Day 23

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Day 23: Write a scene involving a park bench.

My favorite spot in the whole world was huddled leaning up against the tree in my neighborhood park. I would sit there for hours lost in a world filled with tragic romances and bloody deaths. Of course, my favorite spot would be nothing without a good book to go along with it.

Despite the fact that there were various benches scattered across the acres of rolling green hills and playgrounds, I had always remained loyal to my spot. Never daring to venture out of my comfort zone, If you wish.

That is until until the day that I met him.

It was sunny. The tree was shady. The wind softly blew. The smell of freshly bloomed flowers was in the air. My book was tear-jerking. 

And Josh Fields cut through it all.

He was enigmatic, I'll give him that. He was also aggravatingly stubborn, which someday I would grow to love.

"Why don't you ever sit on the benches?"he asked, coming out of nowhere and ploppong down next to me like it was nothing new.

I angrily lift my eyes from the latest Vampire Diaries book and gave him a cold stare. No one interrupted my reading time and got away with it. No one.

"Why don't you stay out of other people's business?"I scowled.

He looked taken aback by my attitude,"I was just trying to be friendly."

"I didn't know that the definition of friendly was coming up to strangers and interrupting them in their moments of peace,"I stubbornly look back down at my book, suddenly choosing to act as if he simply wasn't there.

Okay. So maybe I was kind of being a bitch. What else is new?

He sighed, but remained next to me even though we had both fallen silent as if into our own worlds.

The way it should be, I thought, immersing myself in Damon's lovable evil.

"So, why don't you ever sit on the benches? I mean, there's plenty of free ones. You wouldn't have to get dirt on your pants or have annoying strangers bother you."

There he goes again, after almost ten minutes of silence.

"Well then, I didn't know it had so many perks! No annoying pricks, eh? It's sounding better and better,"I seethe.

"Come on, Kyla. Step out of your comfort zone. Take a walk on the wild side with me,"he urged, but my mind had gone blank at the sound of my name out of his mouth.

"How do you know my name?"I ask, apprehension clear in my voice.

"I've been sitting behind you in English 3 all year. We also had Economics and Physics together. I'm Josh,"he held out his hand, and I gave a light laugh as I shook it.

"Josh does ring a bell,"I contemplated,"Aren't you the kid who put superglue on all of Mr. Henry's expo's?"

He gave a hearty laugh, sending my mind into overdrive. Did I, Kyla Nole, cause that beautiful sound to emit from the creature sitting next to me?

"That'd be me,"he shook his head, completely captivating me with his hair which I now noticed was a sandy brown and his eyes, which were a green blue I had never seen before.

"So, benches,"he brought back up.

I sighed and closed my book, realizing that I wasn't going to get any more reading done.

"Yeah. Will you stop pestering me if I sit on the freaking bench with you?"I say, mentally adding, Will you also laugh and smile at me some more? Pretty please?

So, I got up off of the ground with a helping hand from Josh and we walk to the nearest bench.

And he smiles at me. And his warm leg is somehow pressed against mine. And he smells like oranges and woods.

And from then on out I had a new favorite spot.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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