Day 12

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Day 12: Write a scene that involves the word angel.

I looked up at the sky, remembering all of the wonderful memories that I had of her. She meant the world to me. We spent every waking moment together. But now she was gone.

The world felt almost empty without her. Like there was a hole that she left when she died. A hole that cannot be filled by any other person.

Sometimes, I like to look up at the clouds and imagine that she is sitting on one, watching me as I live my life without her. I like to think that she is floating gracefully as only an angel can.

It took me almost a year to get over the death of my mother. But, eventually I had to stop sulking and move on with my life. I had to be happy and live life to the fullest, as everyone says she would want.

I would like to think that's what she would want. She always wished the best for me, even if the best for me wasn't always the best for her. She was an angel, in every sense of the word, even before death stole her away from me.

I also like to think that she would want my dad to move on as well. If not, then she probably hated his new girlfriend-Alexis. She was okay, but she wasn't my mom.

My dad says that she won't ever replace mom, but since she showed up we talk about her less and less and pictures of her on the mantle are continuosly replaced with pictures of her and my dad. It sickens me sometimes. So then I climb from my bedroom window out onto my roof and look out at the sky.

Whether it be day or night, cloudy or sunny, I can always visualize her staring down at me with a smile. She's proud of me I can feel it. I just hope she knows, that I'm proud of her, too.

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