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-Sasuke POV-

"She looks nothing like an Uchiha, but I'm positive she'll be extremely powerful when she grows up. I mean, come on, she's your daughter and my niece." I stated, looking at my baby niece. Kabuto ran inside with that bastard, I mean Orochimaru, shouting Kami's and my name.

"What happened, Kabuto-san?" Kami asked worriedly.

"The fourth great ninja war is over. Naruto seemed to have defeated Obito Uchiha. All shinobi forces are returning to their respective villages and there's talk that they're going to keep being allies." He informed.

I turned to my smiling sister with a serious expression on. She noticed and turned serious too. "What are you going to do?" I asked. I was a bit curious myself. We hadn't talked about it since I left her all those months ago. "I know I told you to return to Konoha and I still want you too, but if you don't then I want to know what you're going to do."

She looked over to Orochimaru then back to me. "I can't return Sasuke. I killed Lord third. There is no way, they'll allow e back into the village. I think I'll just stay here and raise Naomi here. When she's old enough then, and only then, will I offer her the choice to go to the ninja academy over there." She glanced over to Orochimaru once more. "This is the decision we have came up with. What about you? What are you going to do?"

I rubbed the back of my head a bit. "I was thinking I should return to the village. Rebuild the Uchiha compound and restore the Uchiha." I turn to my niece and lightly stroke her soft pale cheeks. "I think we should teach our future children the Will of Fire. To learn from our ancestors; to not make the same mistake they and we had made. We made the choice to deflect from the village and into the dark." I picked her up. "To keep them on the right path. That's what I want to do." I was suddenly engulfed in a hug.

"That's a perfect plan, Sasuke." I heard Kami whisper. "With you there, I know our little Naomi will be safe. Well, if she decides to attend the Academy." I smile and kiss her on top of the head. No matter, she's still my baby sister and I'll do everything to protect her and her child; even if it's his too. I place Naomi back into her crib and make my way to the exit of the hideout.

"Well, If you need me, I'll be in the Hidden Leaf; making up my bad deeds." With that said, I disappeared. I reappeared in front of the big green gates, leading into the village. So many memories raced through my mind. I stepped through the threshold of the gates and to the sleeping guards that are supposed to be watching the gates from people like me. I sign and shook my head, walking towards to the Hokage tower. I knocked on the door and heard a males voice say 'enter.' When I opened the door I was shocked to see, an equally shocked, Kakashi.

He abruptly got into a fighting position while I just stood there calmly. "What are you doing here Sasuke?" He asked. I put my hands up in there air and walked forward, towards the center of the room.

"I decided to return to the Hidden Leave village." I stated. He lowered his kunai, but I knew he kept his guard up.

"Where is Kami Uchiha?" He asked. I sigh mentally, I was hoping he wasn't going to bring her up.

"She's not returning to the Leaf Village ever, but she is no threat to the village either. At least, that's what she told me." I answered.

"So you know her location?" He asked.

I nodded my head. "I could send her a message asking if she wants her location to be revealed." Kakashi didn't say anything, but nodded his head. He handed me a scroll and some ink. I sat on the floor writing the note.

'The Leaf village's Hokage is asking for your location. Do you want me to tell him? By the way, I'm not telling you who the Hokage is. You'll have to figure it out yourself, but I'll help you out a bit. It's not Naruto.'

I roll up the scroll and summon a messenger snake. I put the scroll inside it's mouth. "Take this to Kami." The snake doesn't say anything, but started to slither away. I turn to face Kakashi once again. "We should be hearing from her shortly." He nodded his head and we started talking about my punishment for all the bad deeds I had done. 

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