Naomi Uchiha

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-Kami POV-

I sat in the living room cuddling with my lover, Orochimaru-sama. We watched our sleeping baby; who was currently in one of her many cribs throughout the hideout. I heard a snake slithering in. Orochimaru and I stood up from our stop and got into a fighting position, just in case there's an attack. The snake slithered in with a scroll inside it's mouth. He dropped the scroll at my feet then vanished. I hesitantly picked up the scroll and read the content.

'The Leaf village's Hokage is asking for your location. Do you want me to tell him? By the way, I'm not telling you who the Hokage is. You'll have to figure it out yourself, but I'll help you out a bit. It's not Naruto.'

I laughed at Sasuke's attempt to fool me. I looked over to Orochimaru-sama. "We should move to the hideout that's closer to the Hidden Leaf Village. That way this location stays a secret." He nodded his head. I grabbed Naomi and we made our way outside the hideout. Luckily, it didn't take long to her there. Since I've been to this hideout before, I had a lot of my stuff here.

"Kabuto and I are going to buy some baby things. We'll be right back." I nodded my head and carried Naomi towards my old bedroom. I placed her onto my bed and used my pillows to ensure she didn't fall off the bed. I placed a barrier around my room so no one, but Orochimaru, Kabuto, Sasuke, and I could enter. I walked down the familiar hallways towards a huge arena with cages. Inside were experiments. I looked inside eat cage. There were a reasonable amount of experiments, but not much. I sigh and went back inside the living room to see Orochimaru-sama and Kabuto-san entering with tons of baby items. I grew excited and looked over the items. We immeditately set up the many cribs throughout the hideout, washed all the baby bottles, baby proof most of the rooms inside the hideout, and started sanitizing a lot of the rooms so Naomi doesn't get sick. I plopped down on the couch and started writing Sasuke back.

'I'm in the hideout near the village. You know which one. Sorry it took so long to write back, we had to settle in. By the way, Kabuto-san already informed me Kakashi-sensei took office.'

I summoned a snake and set the snake to the village. I got off the couch, picked up Naomi from her new crib, and dragged Orochimaru-sama to our bedroom. I was tired from moving around and settling in. I put Naomi to bed then laid in mine with Orochimaru-sama. "I love you Orochimaru-sama." I whispered.

"When are you going to drop the honorific? We've been dating for about 3 years already." He asked, yawing tiredly.

"Fine. Good night, Lord Orochimaru." I heard him sigh and I smiled brightly. I cuddled close next to him and started falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Orochimaru-sama and I were eating breakfast peacefully, when I heard several banging inside the hideout. We abruptly stood up and got into a fighting stance in front of Naomi's crib. She was sleeping peacefully. We heard foot steps coming our way and we stood there, ready. The door flew open to reveal: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei. Although Sasuke was with them, I stayed in a fighting position. I was the first to speak. "Why don't we put our weapons away and relax." We all nodded in agreement and put our weapons away, though I knew each and every one of us had our guard up. Orochimaru and I took a step away from Naomi, revealing her to the others. Naruto, Kakashi-sensei, and Sakura were all shocked to see her.

"Stealing babies still, Orochimaru?" Sakura asked, venom dripping from her voice.

"Orochimaru-sama, please do not listen to irrelevant people." I said, glaring at Sakura. She glared back, but I ignored her. "Please ignore the sleeping child for now. I just made breakfast, join us. We can talk then." No one said anything, but they followed me to the kitchen except for Sasuke. He went over to Naomi. I served everyone some eggs, bacon, and toast. We all sat down at the table. Sasuke came in with Naomi in his hands, cooing at her.

"He seems to adore her more than you two do." Kabuto-san said, walking in.

"Good morning, Kabuto-san. Would you like some breakfast?" I asked. He nodded his head and I served him a plate. He took his place and I set the food in front of him.

"So who is she?" Naruto asked.

"She's my niece, can't you tell?" Sasuke stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"She looks nothing like Itachi. If anything she looks more like Orochimaru." Kakashi-sensei added, looking at me suspiciously. Since I was still young, no one suspected me of having her which kinda made me mad.

I smiled, picking up the plates. "Good eye, Kakashi. That's because she is indeed ours." Orochimaru-sama said, snaking his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek while I washed the dishes.

"Her name is Naomi Uchiha." Sasuke chirped in. Everyone was too shocked to say anything.

"What are you going to do with the left over experiments inside the arena?" I asked. "I don't like their screaming. They're dreadful."

"I took care of them already." Kabuto-san answered.

I smiled and nodded. Looking back at the stunned ninjas. "So what's with the visit?"

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