Weight [ II ]

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I cannot sleep

But then why sleep when you can write aokaga instead #yolo


It was a few days after the small incident related to Kagami's weight.

Ever since then, Kagami always refused everytime Aomine wanted to take them on a lunch date at Maji Burger. He even went on a diet in order to lose weight.

"The hell, Kagami? You're not overweight!"

"But ninety two kilograms is too much for someone like me!"

"Who the hell cares?!"

"I do!"

Aomine nearly face palmed himself for how stupid Kagami was.

"Bakagami.." He muttered to himself and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Kagami eating his salad all by himself.


"Why are we having vegetables again?! I thought you were going to make yakiniku!"

"Shut up and eat, Ahomine," Kagami simply replied while munching on his egg salad. He was good at cooking so even vegetables tasted good in his hands.

Aomine grumbled and forced himself to eat the green stuff.

He didn't know why but the lettuce kind of reminded him of Midorima.


"Oi, Kagami."


"I.. Uh, need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Kagami asked without looking away from the TV.

Watching NBA games never bored him and it was already the last quarter so he didn't want to miss anything.

"That day, when you measured your weight.." Aomine paused for a few moments then looked at Kagami with the most serious expression he could muster.

"I stepped on the scale also."


It took Kagami a few seconds to realise.


[ behind the scene ]

Kagami: Ahomine what the fuck I hate you so much

Aomine: come on don't be mad. You're no fun, Kagami



Kagami: for tricking me


Sorry it took so long ehehe

Christmas break doesn't mean I'm 100% free sooo //cries

Anyways I hope you enjoy it!

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