Chapter Ten

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Kellin's POV

I've been living with Maggie for three months now, cutting has become a habit of mine.

You know I wear lip stick? Well I do, it hides the scars of when I cut my lips open because I needed to shut my mouth.

My mind is always clouded with these thoughts of my life coming to an end and I really just want to. My dad switched schools when he found out I did. After every class I have with him he goes off on me.

It doesn't fucking help.

So here I sat, the bathroom that Maggie and I shared, bottle of pills in my left hand and blade in my right

"I love you Vic." I mumbled before tearing it deeply across my wrist repeatedly. I took the whole bottle of pills and then a smile spread in my face as I pushed down hard in a straight line down my wrist.

Everything was blurred, I didn't write a note, didn't need to. Maggie doesn't like me. I'm just a burden.

"Kellin!!!!!"She screamed and I heard her phone click buttons.

That was all I knew before going black. I knew there was a smile on my face though, I'm finally gone from hell and into heaven with my mom.

Or at least I thought.

I opened my eyes and smelled hospital.

"God dammit."I mumbled and sat up.

"What the fuck was that?!"Maggie yelled.

"I just wanted to be happy. Maggie I can't take it anymore. I've never really been happy since mom died. I'm tired of shit. Of feeling worthless, faking a smile, dealing with my dad, I don't want to live Mag. Can I just be done with life?"I begged.

She shook her head and cried in her hands. "I'm sorry."I whispered.

"It's not your fault you feel the way you do. I just was so oblivious. You didn't cheat on Vic did you? It was the first time right?"Maggie asked.

I cover my face and nodded. They took my hoodie off and replaced it with a blue gown and kept my jeans. Maggie knows I hate the gowns without pants.

Basically my both whole arms were visible. I didn't like it.

"Maggie are you mad at me?"

She shook her head.

"I love you sweetie. Just can you please see a therapist? Please, Kellin?"she begged. I held my head up and nodded until I heard a familiar voice.

"You! You piece of shit!"Mike lunged at me. Reflexes happened and I hid my arms behind my back.

"What the fuck did I do?!"I kicked him off of me.

"Besides destroy my brother, nothing really! He's literally starving because he won't eat! I'm lucky to shove a monster down his throat!"He yelled.

"I fucking left him so he'd be better off! Ever god damn person in this world is better without me. I was a burden to you and Vic then to my aunt and now to every doctor or nurse who checks up on me!"I snapped and pointed to whatever I was talking about.

Socially Opposed ~Kellic (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now