
978 17 7

Bold Italics - Nightmare or Dream
Italics - Thoughts
Bold - Flashback
*Washington Pov*
It's been a long time since we ship wreck which was fun and all. I still can't figure out how the ship crashed with professional crew yet again Reds and Blues can do anything possible. I look over to Tucker and Caboose who is down again who's missing Church. I noticed Tucker been more quiet than usual which is freaking me out. I walk over to them and hear them talking about Church.
"When is he coming back" Caboose asked Tucker
"I don't know..." Tucker answered
"Do you think he'll come back" Caboose asked
"I don't know....." Tucker answered
"Do you think he miss us" Caboose asked and I could tell Tucker is ready to snap
"Caboose!, I don't know........" Tucker said
"Do you think he'll forget about us" Caboose asked then snap
"Caboose I don't fucking know okay so stop asking questions!!" Tucker snapped and walked away leaving a hurt Caboose
"Caboose leave him alone for a while" I said to him "he misses Church as much as you but doesn't show it"
"Oh....Agent Washingtub" he said and looked at me "is Tucker going to be okay?"
"He will be" I said and look to the direction Tucker walked off too 'I hope'
Later that day I found myself at the radio tower fixing it with the help of Tucker who's not doing a great job. I jumped down and next to Tucker who was doing nothing to help me.
"Seriously" I said and looked at him
"What? I don't know shit so what was I suppose to do" he said and walked away
"Tucker wait" I said but he was already too far away for him to return
I sigh and continue trying to fix the radio tower when I found myself thinking of Tucker. Which brought me to think of myself then I realize that I'm Bisexual. I look at the sky and thinking since when I was Bisexual then it hit me like literally hit. I look at the ball that hit my head then I picked it up. I heard someone shouting my name so I look at the person.
"Hey Wash can I have the ball back" Tucker asked
He was the reason why I changed and how I feel. I threw him the ball without saying anything cause I couldn't. I just stood there watching Tucker and Caboose play ball. I walked inside our make shift Base to find myself in my room. I sat down on my bed and took my helmet off so I could rub my temples.
"Is it possible I like Tucker" I asked myself

*Tucker Pov*
I caught the ball that Wash threw and continue playing with Caboose. I noticed Wash been acting strange ever since I left him fix the radio tower. I watch him walk away so I look at Caboose.
"Hey Caboose umm I'm sorry for snapping at you" I said "earlier ago"
"It's okay Tucker" he said and caught the ball then threw it back "hey Tucker umm sorry if I'm bothering you with these questions again but do you think Church will ever come back"
I look at him then at the ball I caught "Caboose, I honestly don't know but I hope he does" I said and threw the ball back at him but a little too hard making it go flying toward Red Base
"Tucker that's our only ball" he whined
"I'll go get it" I said and ran off to get the ball
I grabbed the ball when I heard my name being called so I looked at the direction and my eyes grew wide.
"Church....." I said and I was looking at Church who's in front of him
"Tucker did you honestly think I'll return" he said
"Yeah I did and I was right" I said and ran toward him
"You forgot about me" he said which made him stop
"What do you mean" I asked as I walked slowly toward him
"You replaced me" he said "you forgot about me"
"I didn' was you who left us without a goodbye why be mad at me" I snapped a little hurt that he thought I forgot about him
"But I wasn't the one who replaced me with a crazy Freelancer" he said
"Washington is a better leader than you, who didn't abandon us to go with Carolina" I snapped a little more
"Your going to regret saying he's a better leader" Church growled a little
"Tucker...Tucker" I heard someone call my name so I look at the direction to see Caboose then I look back at Church to see him gone
'Was it all in my head?' I asked myself in my mind
"Hey Tucker, Agent Washingtub said its dinner time" Caboose said
"Okay coming" I answered and stared at the place when Church was standing at
"I really do miss Church" I said to myself and ran off to go join Wash and Caboose

*Washington Pov*
I look at Tucker who hasn't touched his food yet. The whole time he was just staring at it like if they were in a staring contest.
"Umm Tucker are you going to eat?" I asked him
"No I'm not hungry" he said and got up and went to his room
I look at Caboose who didn't look up or anything all he was doing is eating. I continue eating until I finish then I got up and washed my dishes. I went my room and went to sleep but I knew I wouldn't sleep for long

*Tucker Pov*
I woke up panting and sweating then I noticed Caboose was awake and looking at me. He has a worry look on his face which made me feel bad.
"Tucker are you okay" he asked "should I tell Agent Washingtub?"
" I'm okay and don't it's was just a nightmare nothing else" I answered me "don't ever tell him about this okay"
"Promise" he said
"Go back to sleep I'll be back" I said and got up and changed into my armor and walked out of the room closing the door carefully
I went outside and look at the sky wondering why now. Why did I have a nightmare so bad that made Caboose worry about me. I looked at the moon noticing it must be midnight. I heard Washington scream so I got up and walked back inside to comfort Caboose.

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