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*Tucker Pov*
I took a warthog and drove as far away from them all. I kept driving until there was no more gas. I sat in the warthog crying and wondering if it's worth living anymore.

My eyes widen as Felix kissed me. I heard someone clear their throat so I pushed him away then I look at the person. Wash was standing there looking heartbroken and hurt. I tired to say something but Wash just punched Felix and kept punching. I got up and tried pulling Wash away but he just pushed me away and kept punching Felix.
"WASH STOP" I shouted and was able to pull him away
"I guess I've been gone too long" he said hurt
"It's not how it looks like" I said
"OH really so what I saw wasn't you and Felix kissing" Wash asked
"It was but" I started to say but he cut me off
"I'm sorry Lavernius but I don't think our relationship will work out" he said and walked out
"Wait Wash" I cried out and grabbed his arm but he pulled it away "he kissed me out of surprised"
"I don't know if I can believe you anymore" he said hurt and sadly
"Wash" I said sadly as he walked away
I look at Caboose, Grif and Simmons surprised to see them. I could hear shouting coming soon and it did come.
"Tucker why?" They shouted
"I didn't do it" I said
"Oh so what we saw wasn't you and Felix kissing" Grif asked sarcastically
"He kissed me!" I snapped wanting them to believe me
"Sure" Grif said
"Tucker" Caboose said
I could feel tears coming so I shoved my way threw and I shouted toward Wash Room.
I ran off and ran toward the armory.

*End Flashback*
I cried and cried until I felt sleepy so I lean back and fell asleep.
When I fell asleep, I could hear them shouting at me. I open my eyes to find myself in a room that's dark and pitch black. A spotlight turned on and pointed at Wash.
"Why did you betray me....why did you leave me" he cried
"I didn't I never wanted to-"I was cut off when Grif appeared with the spotlight on him
"Typical Tucker....womanizer but this time its not the woman but men" he said
"I didn't kiss him please believe me" I cried out
"I don't know if I could believe you anymore....your better off dead" Wash said
"People like you should die" Grif said
"Die...Die...Die" they kept repeating as I hold my head trying to not listen to him
I cried out for help but no one came so I kept crying out. I cried out for help for a long time but all I got was "no one cares" "everyone hates you". I looked at where the spotlight was shining to find a gun so I reach over shakily and grab it. I took my helmet off and pointed it below my chin and I shut my eyes tightly.
"I should die" I said and Bam
I woke up and looked around to find myself still in the warthog. I took my helmet off and wiped the sweat off my forehead. I got out of the warthog and started to walk. I kept walking until I found myself at the capital. I walked toward the capital to find water or food but all I found was darkness and soldiers.

*Washington Pov*
I shouted Tucker name out as I rode in a warthog. I was really worry at what he'll do cause when he said those words I knew he was going to do something stupid. I kept looking for him until it was night time. Kimball told us to come back so we did. I went straight to my room and sat on my bed looking at a picture of me and Tucker. I started to cry at how stupid I was to be blinded by my rage. When Felix woke up all he did was laugh and he told me that he set Tucker up. He told us everything about the Mercs and Pirates. I punched him again then choked him but Kimball stopped me. I wiped my tears away and fell asleep while hugging my pillow missing Tucker.

*Months past*
I sat away from the Reds and Blues as they bickered. We set out to look for Tucker by ourself but along the way we found Carolina. I told her everything and she agreed to help us with our Search. I look up at Carolina then watch her sit next to me.
"We are going to find him" she said "I know we will"
"I hope" I said sadly

*Tucker Pov*
I talked with Doyle and told him everything and he agreed on taking me in. I kept my armor but I decided to change the color. The main color stayed the same but I got yellow trims. It's been months since I last saw them and my nightmares grew so bad that Doctor Grey had to give me some pills to knock me out. I stood outside looking at the sunset watching another day end. I went to my room grabbed the meds then those voices came back. I lifted the bottle of pills and put it against my lip.

*Washington Pov*
I woke up from a bad dream and I started to panic. I dreamed about Tucker killing himself because of me. I didn't mean to hurt him. I didn't mean to drive him away, all I wanted was his love. I went back to sleep to find it impossible to sleep so I got up and did the usual thing I do when I can't sleep.

{sorry for the crappy Chapter but it's 4 in the morning and I can't sleep so I decided to finish this chapter. I apologize for the crappy and not understandable chapter. Well Happy New Years and I know it's late and I'm sorry. Goodnight and have a nice day.}

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