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*Tucker Pov*
It's been a few weeks since the Reds and Blues arrived at the capital. Doyle changed my schedule so now I don't see Wash only at the the cafeteria during lunch. I finished training with my troops so we all head to the cafeteria. Caboose shouted my name again in hope I'll won't ignore which I did. I sat down at a table far away from them and started to talk with my troops. We started to laugh and talk which I miss doing with the Reds and Blues but it's different now so I have to forget about it. I just sat there eating an apple while they are food. I got up and told them that I have other things to attend then I went to my room. I was about to open my room when I hear shouting. I turned around to see Caboose running up to me then stop.
"Tucker why are you ignoring me" he asked sad
"We aren't friends anymore" I said and turned around facing my door
"Your like Church......" he said
"I'm nothing like church" I growled
"You both left me with a goodbye....." He said "and you both changed.....I hate you Tucker I hate you"
He shouted I hate you over and over again then he ran off. I punched my door then walked inside for a free minutes. I walked out and then went toward a direction where I go that is quiet and no one is around. Well I thought so anyways.

*Washington Pov*
I was walking to my room when a crying Caboose past by me and went to his room. I turned back around and walked toward his room. I knocked and said it was me and he said come in. I open the door to see him starting to ripe picture up but I stopped him. He only manage to rip one which was a picture of him and Tucker.
"Caboose what's wrong" I asked
"I hate him.....I hate Tucker" Caboose responded "he's just like church"
"Look Caboose.....he's just confused......give him a chance" I said
"Okay Agent WashingTub" Caboose said nodding so I left to leave him alone for a while

*Grif Pov*
I stood there in pain, taking in the burning and sensation to scream. I strike but I miss instead he strikes and hits. I was in more pain than before. My side and shoulder feels like it's on fire, I want to scream in pain. I strike again and I hit. I kept striking and kept hitting but that didn't last long. I kept spitting my venom at his face and I could tell he was angry. I saw Wash try to stop us only to receive an insult from him. I strike but I didn't hit instead I miss cause me to fall forward. I look up to the glow blue in face ready to burn me. It left along with him. Darkness filled my vision and I grew sleep.

*Simmons Pov*
I was panicking so I told Caboose to pick Grif up and take him the infirmary. I follow with Wash and Sarge as we race to catch Caboose. Doctor Grey was happy to get to check someone out and see if his needs stitches. She was disappointed that she only has to bandage the wound but that didn't stop her from saying weird stuff. I look at Wash and Sarge as they sigh in relief.
"I can't believe Tucker did that" I said not believing what just happened
"I have to have a little chat with Tucker" Wash said leaving
"Simmons go make sure Tucker doesn't hurt Wash" Sarge said and I nodded
I followed Wash only to see him banging on Tucker door. He kept banging and banging on the door but no answer. Wash kicked the door down and I just shook my head. He walked inside so I followed to see everything in destroyed. I look closely at the slash marks to see that it belongs to Tucker's Sword.
"He left again" Wash said looking at his bed so I walked over and my eyes widen
Tucker's armor is on the bed along with his helmet, a note beside it and his guns are there too.
"Go tell the others....Now!" Wash half shouted so I ran out and went to Doyle and Kimball

*Tucker Pov*
I woke up and looked around at my surroundings. I was in a cell, chained to the wall. I heard footsteps coming toward me then the door opened. There stood Felix along with Locus who is holding my sword.
"Hey Tucker" Felix said smirking a little "missed me?"
"You asshole" I growled and he laugh
"Want another kiss?" He asked laughing
"I prefer to be dead" I responded growling
"That can be arrange" Felix said taking out his knife and putting it against my throat
"Now answer some questions" Felix said "if you refuse"
He pulled the knife away then put the tip on my chest. He pulls it down quickly leaving a big cut across my chest. I tried not to scream in pain but it hurts so much.
"Now" Locus said "the sword how do we active it?"
I looked away then Locus punched me in the stomach and gasp for air. I glared at Locus then grab my face and brought me close to his face well helmet cause he still has it on.
"I'll ask again" he said a little annoyed "The Sword how do we active it..."
"Only I can active it" I said "I'm bond to it"
"How do we unbind it?" Felix asked
"I don't know" I said
"What about Death" Locus said
"I don't know but I don't care if you try" I said
"Then I will" Locus said taking a pistol out and aim it at my head
"Wait" Felix said "we can't kill him yet....remember"
"Fine" Locus said and walked away
Felix watch as Locus left then he grabs him from the neck and slams me into the wall.
"Your going to get some pretty scars if you can't answer these questions" Felix purred

*Washington Pov*
We couldn't find him anywhere until Locus appeared in front of us. We aimed at him but he drop his gun and pulled out a chip.
"You should watch this" he said and put the chip on the ground then picked his gun up and he disappears.
I walked over to the chip then picked it up. We went back to the base then put the chip in a computer. It showed Felix talking to someone then he moved out of the way to show Tucker all cut up. I felt sick and I could feel my lunch coming back up. Almost every inch of Tucker body is covered in cuts then I noticed something. I looked closely to see Tucker not even caring what Felix is doing.
"Why wouldn't you just scream in pain or show any emotion" Felix shouted frustrated
"What's the point when your going to die" Tucker said
"Good point" Felix said then stab Tucker in the side "now tell me about the tattoos"

{I hate school so much *^* but I have to go. ;-; I don't want to go to school. I'm trying to update these quickly so I can update other books too. The end is coming *^* well I don't know yet but I know it's coming.}

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