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*Tucker Pov*
I waited for Locus command to move out and kill. I watch the soldier that was guarding the ship walking back and forth making me get dizzy. I shook my head and started to space out. I thought about the thought of Locus and Felix telling me that I had to kill one of my friends on a next mission to prove that I'm able to kill the Feds and Rebels. I couldn't because I still love Wash and I love everyone as a friend. I don't want to lose them, I started to shake a little while I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Locus to see worry eyes instead of cold eyes. I nodded telling him I'm okay then he went back to his position. The alarm went off while Locus kills the guard.
"Kill everyone" he commanded

*Locus Pov*
I argue with Felix when Tucker comes in all silent. One of my men comes in chuckling almost. I watch Tucker go back to the ship while the soldier follows. I told Felix I'll be right and went to go check it out. I saw Tucker curled into a ball as the soldier threw insults at him.
"Your just Locus and Felix pet" he told Tucker and he curls into a ball more
"I'm sure your friends won't ever take you back for what you've done" he said "they'll hate you"
I watch Tucker uncurl and tackle the soldier down while pushing his sword up to his neck.
"Say that one more time and you'll stop breathing" he said cold but with a shaky voice
"You won't do that yo-" Soldier stop talking and shouted in pain
Tucker stabbed his shoulder to make him stop talking. He got up and walked away but toward my direction so I just went back. I listened to Felix as he recruits the prisoners. I look at Tucker who was walking toward a cell. I shrugged it off and watch as some of the soldiers grips the bars.

*Felix Pov*
Locus and I talked to this prisoner name Aiden Price who says that he knows the freelancers and their weakness. I was about to ask something when one of my men comes in, in a panic.
"What is it" I groan
"Sorry sir but it's one of the prisoners.....and Tucker" he said and that caught my attention fast
I couldn't risk losing him. I went over to the cell where the prisoner is being held. I saw Tucker and the prisoner talking and being all buddy which made my blood boil.
"Lavernius" I said and he look up
"Hey Felix....this is Sharkface" he said happily "I guessed him name when I saw him"
"It's true" Sharkface said getting up and flexing a little
"He fought Wash and Carolina....." Tucker said a little sad and I thought it was because of Wash but apparently it's for another reason
"Tucker can I have a chat" I asked as I walked with him to a private place
"Umm sure about what?" He asked
"Would you kill Wash?" I asked and he froze in his steps "or any of your friends"
"No.....I would never be able to" he responded
"How come" I asked curious to what he'll respond to
"They are my friends...." He said and I chuckled
"Friends?" I laughed "they didn't support you.....friends support you....they weren't your friends"
"Your right......I would then" he said and I smirked big
We went back to Locus when I notice a certain soldier holding his shoulder in pain. I look at Tucker who was looking at the soldier happily while the soldier shrunk. I smiled and wrapped an arm around Tucker shoulder and talked about how awesome he is becoming.

*Tucker Pov*
I look at Sharkface and went over to him. We started to talk while we did so he gave me info and I gave him info.
"I like you Tucker" he said "can we be friends?"
"Yeah that would be great!" I said smiling big when I felt jealousy raiding from a certain Merc well two
I look at them to see them glaring at Sharkface and that made me chuckle.

*Carolina Pov*
"Washington I know you want to get Tucker back but doing this isn't going to help us" I said as I watch Wash do push up in the middle of the night
"I know it's just that.....I can't sleep because of all those images of Tucker all beat up" he said almost like he was about to burst into tears
"I know.....everyone can't" I said as I remember the the video "just try to sleep"

*Next Day Morning*
"What do you mean?!" I asked unsure
"The Pirates somehow found another sword like Tucker.....they are heading there right now" Kimball said "also we found the Pirates base"
"About the sword That means.....oh no" I said

We arrive at the temple and searched high and low for Doyle. He went to the temple containing the key while Caboose, Grey and I go search another temple. I was face to face with a pirate that is different than the ones I seen. He looked familiar but couldn't remember where I seen him. I chased him while Caboose and Grey stayed behind.

*Washington Pov*
We arrive at the sight where the Pirates were when a huge ship appears after we killed everyone.
"What the" I started to say
"It's a trap...." Palomo said "why does it have to be a trap"
The doors opened to reveal a bunch of pirates when one of them stood out.

{I know it's short but school is hitting me hard with test, quiz, essays and finals. Next chapter will be long I know cause I already know what to write for it.}

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