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*Washington Pov*
I look at Tucker's Biceps to see aqua tattoos in another language. I never really noticed them until now that Felix brought them up. I watch Tucker stay silent then Felix punch him in the stomach.
"Answer the question" Felix growled
"Never" Tucker smirked earning him another punch expect in the face leaving a burst lip
"That idiot" I choked out "why he still resisting them after all the torture"
"Answer now" I heard Locus say and he walks in
"Why should I?" Tucker asked
"Or your friends die" Locus said
"Fine I'll tell you" Tucker said "it's part of an alien thing....I did give birth to one so to connect to it or something they had to do that"
Locus shot Tucker in the shoulder and he tried to not scream in pain. Nobody could bare watching him suffer like this so they turn it off. Everyone stayed silent while I had my eyes widen in horror.
"Wash....." Caboose said
"They are going to pay.....they going to fucking pay" I said clenching my teeth together out of anger
"Yes they will" Carolina growled "a slow painful death"

*Tucker Pov*
I groan as I woke up, noticing that I'm laying down on something soft. I got up only to meet pain so I lay back down and examined my body. I was covered in bandages and I was in an infirmary. I heard footsteps which cause my eyes to dart toward the door. Felix and Locus came inside carrying a Pirate armor suit along with some weapons.
"You are going to help us" Felix said "if you refuse then your friends are dead even your precious Wash"
"Fine...." I said
"Good...tomorrow you'll start" Felix said
"Wait about my injuries?" I asked
"They are all healed expect for the gun shot...it's barely healing" Felix said
"You been out for four days...." locus said and left
"We'll be training you" Felix said smirking and left
I just sigh and brought my hand to my face to feel a couple of small bandages on my face. I got up while holding her shoulder and went to the mirror. I look like a fucking mummy that hasn't been wrapped properly. I went back to the bed and lays down then I look at the ceiling.
"I'm so sorry Wash"

*Next Day at noon*
"Good job Lavernius" Locus said as I snip a target from a cliff "now aim at the soldier but hit him in the shoulder"
I did what he told me to do and he said another good job. Ever since I woke up, Felix and Locus been training me until lunch then continue until dinner. Then we continue until bed time which is the only time I get to rest but I had to wake up at 5 to continue training which isn't a problem to me. It was lunch time so Locus and I head to the cafeteria to eat when Felix pulls me into a room causing Locus grab me and pull me back.
"Felix what are you doing" he asked
"Oh nothing I just want to talk to him in private" Felix smirked
"Later" Locus said not amused and dragged me to the cafeteria
I just blinked wondering what was that about but stopped as soon as I smelled food. I wanted to throw up cause I haven't ate in a while only a bit or two of it. I sat next to Locus who was kind enough to grab me something while I spaced out staring at the table. I just took a bite of the apple and stared at the food until A knife stabbed it making me jump. I look up to see a laughing Felix. I just huffed and look away while taking another bite of the Apple.
"How come you haven't touched your food?" Locus asked
"I usually don't eat....anymore" I said mumbling the last part while looking down
"Eat or I'll just have to torture you" Locus said lifting my chin up making me look at him "or kill one of your friends"
I pulled away and started to eat but I knew that I won't eat dinner later. I finished half of my food then got up and threw it when returning back I heard soldiers whispering.
"Look it's Felix's Pet" one pirate whisper
"No its Locus's" another pirate whispered to the other pirate
I just sat down not noticing I was shaking then I heard someone get up. I started to remember the nightmare I had in the morning.

*Felix Pov*
I was eating when I started to hear the soldiers whisper about Tucker being my pet or Locus. I watch Tucker sit down shaking but I shrug it off until I remember why he's shaking. I watch Locus get up and go over to the soldier while I got up and sat next to Tucker. I hug him only to get pushed away roughly.
"We need a medic now" I growled as I watch Tucker grab his head and started to shake it
I picked him up and run toward the infirmary. I put him down on the bed and ordered the medics to help him. I watch as they try to put him to sleep but he was stronger than them.
"No don't" he said pushing them away "I don't want to see them I don't want to see them"
He gets up and push them away again then runs for it. He ran toward his room while I chase him. I tried opening the door but nothing so I broke it down to find him in a corner. He's hugging his leg while putting his face in his legs.
"Tucker are you okay?" I asked
"I-I'm fi-fine" He said shakily
"Your not" I said getting close to him only for him to scoot away so I just stayed put "come on let us help you"
"Why" he half shouted
"Cause your our ticket to victory" I said
"I should have guessed......" He said more comfortable now
"Feeling better?" I asked unsure
"Yeah" he gets up and stretch "I'm okay"
"Good cause training is starting" I said and he grown causing me to chuckle

*Wash Pov*
I couldn't get the images of Tucker getting torture out of my mind. I just want to scream and cry but I have to stay strong. I made all the soldiers work hard but not to hard to the point they can't fight. I walked toward my room to do sit-ups and Squats by myself.
"I'm getting you back Tucker" I said "I promise"

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