Chapter 1

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 The room was dark when I awoke. I didn’t know what time it was, but I knew something bad was going to happen. I could hear the wolf inside of me growling. Begging to be free. I knew it was early morning, maybe 3ish by the look out of my window. I knew I had to get out of bed and see what is happening. Slowly, I walked into the hallway, and started down slowly. I heard a scream and freaked out. I stood there shaking, and, deciding I couldn’t do anything in human form, I changed. I felt the bones cracking and let out a whimper. My wolf was free.

I ran into the lounge room and saw my mother, tied up next to the couch, covered in blood. I saw my dad, lying there, not moving at all. I heard another scream and turned to face mum again. We both opened our eyes in realisation.

My brother.

I ran to his room and saw him sitting there. God he was cute. We were only step siblings but I loved him with all my heart. Everyone loved him with all their heart. Which was probably why he was forbidden.

You see, my brother wasn’t exactly full wolf. Both my mother and father were wolves which made me full wolf-human. Toby was my mum’s child from an affair with a wizard. Weird huh? So Toby was a human with special "powers" if that’s what you would call them. He could manipulate people, read minds without a mate link and could disappear. He also had wolf blood going through his veins. We didn’t know what it meant but we all knew it was dangerous.

I picked up the relatively calm 3 year old and walked back to the lounge room. By the time I was there, I realised something. Dad was dead. Mum was lying there, blood pouring out all over the floor. She was dead. I screamed long and hard. I cried. I cried for mum, for dad and for the fact that Toby and I were now alone. Alone in the world.

I grabbed Toby and did the only thing I thought of. I ripped myself away from the pack bond. "I, Beth Storm, member of the Blood Pack, remove this pack bond".

 Then we ran.

2 years later

Okay so, we have been on the run for two years now. Being a rogue is hard. Being a rogue female is harder. Female wolves were always in popular demand. The more females your pack had, the more powerful you were. Toby is with me. God he is brave. The other day we had a run in with hunters. We stayed human, but they could smell me. I freaked out when and arrow was lodged into my arm and changed. Ready to kick their ass. Toby looked at them calmly and smiled. I blinked once and noticed
that the hunters were levitating about 3 feet off the ground.

"TOBY" I yelled, worried about what he would do. "It’s okay Beth. They hurt you, now I can hurt them." he threw them hard onto the ground and before he could do any more damage, I broke his concentration. We are trying to keep a low key here, but Toby is special. Keeping a low key isn't working all that well.

I picked him up and we ran again. He is getting heavier. 5 years old in a couple of weeks… I can't believe it. I am sort of like a single mum. 17 years old and on the run with a 4 year old… geez, most people look at me and I can almost hear it coming from their minds "Slut, slut, slut, slut." everyone is so judgemental. Then they meet Toby. All of a sudden everything changes "oh what a good mother she is", "I want to be like her when I am a parent" the facial expressions change. It's weird and it scares me.

I was trying to find a certain pack. I needed to find a certain pack. If I didn’t find this pack, I was screwed. Well and truly screwed. Toby didn't understand. He knew I was worried but he didn’t know why. I could feel him in my mind, trying to probe around but I had those memories locked under key in a chest at the back of my mind. I only unlocked them once he is asleep.

I was on their border, I could smell it. I needed a way to get permission. Somehow. I tried calling out but no one would listen. I doubt they could hear me. The pack I was looking for, The Silver Storm Pack, was the pack I had read about in my mother's diary. The pack that would one day gain two powerful members and become the strongest pack in all of America. They were on the edge of the forest, about as deep as you could get.

All of a sudden I had an idea. I ran. Right onto their land. Without permission. I was a wolf, on another Alpha's territory without permission. Good way to get attention I guess. I ran right up, when I found the pack house. I was surprised that I hadn't been shot yet. Until I felt it. The sting of a bullet, right through my right hand. God this person either has shitty aim, or they were trying not to hurt me.

I fell to the ground writhing in agony when another silver bullet hit me, right in the thigh. I passed out after that.

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