Chapter 8

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Brodie POV

I had to distract her while Toby was doing his part. I couldn’t tell her the plan. That would ruin it…

I knew what would distract her, maybe even calm her down. I wanted it to.

I walked into her room and kissed her straight up. I think she knew I wanted it. I could tell.


I wasn’t the only one.

Toby POV

Although I wasn’t happy that Brodie and my sister were getting it on, I really had to keep her outta my way. I walked straight to Carli’s room. I think she is my mate. I am not 100%. Not until I am free of this curse…

I have 2 days and 4 hours until I am released from Toby’s 4 year old body. I can feel him. He was born in this body, I was just renting it. And I felt bad. I mean, it’s been 4 long years… almost 5 years that I have stolen his body and he can’t do anything about it. I can feel his wolf.

That is the only time it is actually him. When he is in wolf form. I cannot keep going by Toby. I need to get a new name. I want Carli to help me.

Carli was in her room, waiting for me. I knew she was. We had agreed on meeting up.

I walked up to her door and knocked on it. She opened the door and grinned. She knew my secret.

Well, it wasn’t really a secret anymore.

Everyone knew it.

But I guess it is safer.

Carli let me in and I jumped onto her bed. She looked at me and laughed.

She shut Facebook off of her laptop and bought it over to us. We didn’t really know where to begin, but we had to have a plan for when Alec arrived.

We opened up a word document so Cali could type, while I rambled.

“We need to get him alone. If we could rip him up, we would be able to do it. I am worried though, because Toby is only a baby, and yes, I have stolen his body and I don’t want him to get hurt.”

Carli nodded and said “Well, what if we waited until you and Toby were two separate people? When you were out of his body and had your own.”

“But I don’t know if I will have a body. I don’t know if I will solidify or if I will disappear… if I disappear, how can I help Beth?”

“True, but it’s the best chance we have. We don’t know what is gonna happen. You’re the first person in history like this. I have never seen anyone as a body snatcher. I don’t want to know the consequences.”

We stayed up late talking and discussing the plan. By about 11.45pm I looked at the clock and realised the time “Carli, we needa go to sleep” I said, yawning between the words.

I looked over at her and realised she had fallen asleep with the laptop sitting in front of her.

“Cute” I whispered as I grabbed her laptop off the bed and put her underneath the blanket. I kissed her lightly on the forehead and headed towards the door.

“Wait” she whispered, stirring slightly. “Come sleep with me”

I jumped into the bed with her and she cuddles up with me.

We fall asleep.


Brodie POV

I woke up with Beth, her arm slung lightly over my torso. I sat up slowly and kissed her on the forehead and then got out of bed. I had to have a shower, before she woke up. I needed some time to think.

I jumped in the shower. I felt horrible. Last night, Beth and I had sex. Yes I loved every part of it except for the fact that we got carried away and I might have forgotten a condom.

I was worried she was pregnant. I couldn’t have kids. I would have to raise my own child and a pack. I don’t know if I could.

I know I was freaking out over probably nothing. But mothers normally find out within a week that they are pregnant. I am praying she isn’t. I don’t know how I could survive.

But I would try.

I knew that.

Beth POV

I woke up feeling weird. Where did Brodie go?

Last night was amazing. I think we did it more than once… maybe 3 times in a row. And then we lay together, falling asleep cuddled up. Maybe he felt embarrassed because it was a bit different to the normal, quiet Brodie I had grown used to.

I got up and heard the shower running. Thinking it would be a bit of fun, I got out of my track pants and tank top, which I don’t remember putting on, and walked into the bathroom.

He had his back to the door so I crept in and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. He jumped and turned around. I smiled at him and winked as he calmed down.

“Hey babe, how are ya?” He asked smiling down at me.

 Stupid height difference.

“Hey, good and you?” I asked, smiling back at him.

“I am good now that you’re here.” He said as I fell into his arms.

He kissed me long and hard and I let go of everything.

Every single thing slipped away. I could feel myself falling, and I let out a scream. I couldn’t grab anything to stop me falling. I knew that this feeling wasn’t right.

I couldn’t see or feel Brodie anywhere. I was caked in darkness, no noise, no light. I panicked and screamed again.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” I cried to the darkness, not really expecting an answer.

But then I heard a voice, speaking in soft, calming words “It is okay. Breathe. In your nose, now out.”

I felt compelled to listen to the feminine voice, I had no idea why but suddenly I felt myself calming.

“Why am I here?” I wondered aloud, trying to find who the voice belonged to.

“I am here for you. You are Luna to the pack Silver Storm. You are about to bear the pack with not only one, but two new pups. One is a girl, and one shall be a boy. You will lose someone you love dearly, however I am unsure who yet. All I know is that you need to be careful now. Alec is dangerous. Everyone needs you to pull through. If not, the pack may be wiped out. That is all I can tell you but I will always be in your mind if you need help.”

“What is your name?” I cried, shocked by all this newfound information.

“My name is Liana, for you are my granddaughter. Your mother ran from me when she was 16 and pregnant. I knew she was pregnant because I can communicate to the babies that are inside of you. It is my ability as a wolf. Your ability will come on your 18th birthday, and so will your children.” She said, as if I should’ve known all of this.

“Wait, wait, wait…..” I said, trying to breathe “My birthday is in a month. How can a baby grow in a month??”

Liana looked at me and said “You are one of the strongest wolves that have been seen in generations to any pack. The stronger you are, the quicker your child grows. You have two which means they feed off of each other and grow stronger quicker. If they stayed in your body any longer, they will kill you.”

I think it was then that I fainted for the second time that day.

“BETH” I heard echo through my mind.

But I didn’t open my eyes

I liked the peace.

It was like I was dead.

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