Chapter 10

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Beth POV

I couldn’t tell him I had twins. That can be a surprise.

But then I couldn’t just lie.

“Hey Brodie? Can I tell you something……?” I said trying to be brave.

“What’s up babe?”

“Well…. Um… I needa say something… you know how imp pregnant? Well-it’s-twins….A girl-and-a-boy.” I said, rushing the last bit out

Brodie just looked at me.

I watched his face, to see any emotion. But he had hidden it.

Then he jumped onto my bed with me and said “Okay, so I may have always said I never wanted kids but when you told me you were pregnant, I never realised how much I would enjoy it. I really want to make this work, for us.” He said, cupping my face. “I love you Bethany. Always have, always will” he leant in and kissed me and I sat there smiling.

I was happy because, even though we are having twins, he doesn’t care. He wants to try and make it work. I love him. I never realised it but I loved him so much. He was my rock.

Toby POV

We have 24 hours until I am released from Toby’s body. I don’t know what we are going to do.

Carli told me what Beth had said about Alec. Now he is accessing her through her dreams. That is NOT on.

We need to stop him.

I sat in my room with the door shut.

I knew that soon I would not be stuck in Toby’s body.

I had no idea where I would go.

Would I cease to exist?

Guess I will find out…

Until then I shall sleep.

Carli POV

I walked into Toby’s room, hoping he was going over the plan. Instead I saw him curled up in his bed asleep. I thought maybe waking him would be a good idea because we had less than 12 hours until we had to deliver out the plan. I am actually really scared.

I don’t know how we have a chance against this guy. From what I have heard he is manipulative and has powers. I don’t know how we are going to face him.

But I hope we survive.

I can’t lose Toby

Or whoever the guy is who is trapped inside.

He is my mate.


Toby POV

I woke up and looked out my window it was bright, maybe 4am. I looked at the clock and read 4.03am. “Good guess” I muttered, rolling over.

I had 3 hours until I was faced with the freedom. I have to admit, I was petrified… what happened if I disappeared I don’t know. But I don’t wanna think about it

We don’t have long until Alec comes again. He is impatient. He wants my blood.

But I am a fighter.

So is toby.

I don’t know my name.

I hope once I get my own body back, I get my full memory back.

I jumped out of bed and started getting dressed when I heard someone knock on my door.

“Come in” I called, my back facing the door.

I didn’t see who it was but they grabbed me and shoved a bag over my head.

I couldn’t see, but I heard the man say 5 chilling words

“Your time is up Toby.”

Carli POV

I walked into Toby’s room, to see if he was still asleep. Instead I got a shock when I saw that all of the things on his desk had been thrown on the floor, and his bed had been overturned.

Someone was looking for something.

“BETH” I screamed, praying she could hear me. She ran into the room, Brodie not far behind.

“What’s the matter?” She asked, looking around the room slowly.

“Where is Toby?” I asked her, hoping she would have an answer. I was scared, because what if something bad had happened to him?

Beth stood there, her eyes closed. She slowly opened them and frowned.

“Our link is working but only just which means he is in pain really bad. We need to find him.” She said worried.

“Where is he?” Asked Brodie, taking Alpha lead.

Beth once again shut her eyes for some time. This time it was longer.

“Over by the creek, further down the path, there is a little cottage. Down below the cottage is a dungeon type thing. He is in one of the cages. It is coated with silver though. He can’t get out. So much blood. Hurry” Beth said all this getting quieter until she whispered the last word.

Then she sort of snapped out of it and cried out


Beth POV

They were torturing him.

I could feel it.

All the pain he copped, I copped too.

They burnt him with silver, they took away his air.

I don’t know what they wanted but he wasn’t telling anything.

“How the fuck did they get on our land?” Brodie asked, obviously pissed off.

I saw a face I recognized and gasped.

“Where is Tyler?” I asked quietly. I had always known the beta was a bit weird, but it only just clicked.

When we came here, he wanted us shot.

When Brodie marked me, he wanted to kill me.

When Toby walked past him, he growled.

Tyler was in league with Alec.

I have never felt any more stupid.

“Fuck” Brodie yelled.

Tyler was in league with Alec. Brilliant.

All of a sudden I had a searing pain in my stomach.

“OWWWWWW” I cried, doubling over in pain.

Something was happening to my kids. I don’t know what but it was hurting them.

Alec knew I was pregnant.

He was trying to kill my kids.

He is going to die!

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