Chapter 2: The Letters

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            I ran my hands over my five o’clock shadow over and over as I fought to keep my composure.  Where could she have possibly gone this time?  Dinner has already passed and the sun’s dwindling.  She’s going to earn herself a permanent home locked in a cellar if she keeps up with this game of cat and mouse.

            The maids all claimed she went into the garden, but I traced every inch of the garden; every nook and crevice wasn’t left unsearched.  Evidentially, she doesn’t want to be found.  I paced the floor in my office that overlooked the rolling hills outside.

            Then it hit me; the hills.  She loved climbing the hills when she was struggling to adjust to her new life.  Could she have injured herself while climbing?  I eagerly ran down the hallway and rushed towards what I prayed held my wife.

            “Caroline!” I shouted, scanning the miles of hills ahead of me.  “Caroline!” I shouted again.

            I stopped at the top of one of the hills and scanned the area.  Where could she have run off to?  I rubbed my exposed arms, trying to heat them in the chilled air.  Then I spotted her; I knew that mess of blonde curls from anywhere.  I collapsed at her side, she was alive.  I silently thanked god as I let my fingers trace her soft, young features.

            Her rosy cheeks stood against her pale complexion.  Her red lips were chapped from the cold, but they couldn’t have looked more tempting.  Her blonde curls were fanned around her in the grass, forming a halo to frame her beauty.  She looked at peace in her sleep, less worried about everything that has happened.  I almost wish I could forget everything that has happened and just focus on the good from our relationship.

            My fingers traced her smooth jaw line, retracing the curves I’d memorized the moment I met her.  She leaned into my touch and something inside me came alive.  No matter how angry I was at her, there was no way I could ever send her home; I could only make empty threats.  I lifted her into my arms and set her petite legs across mine, resting her head against my chest.  My hands traced the dips and curves in her back as she slept.

            If anyone saw me holding her like this they’d have thought I forgave her.  I didn’t.  I couldn’t forgive her for what she did.  But now, with her back in my arms none of the past seemed to matter.  I sighed as she shifted in my arms.  Her body was so cold against mine, but I didn’t care, all that mattered was she was here again.

            I slowly rose to my feet, careful not to wake her.  I paused and watched the purple sky above.  It was moments like this I appreciated.  Everything was perfect and beautiful.

            Maybe I could forgive her.  I pursed my lips as I looked down at the beautiful girl in my arms.  Her full lips pulled into a simple smile as she dreamed.  Her long, black lashes concealed her breathtaking amber eyes.  Her sandy curls tickled my arms as she shifted in my embrace.

            “I could fall in love with you again,” I whispered, gently setting her in bed.  “I could love you,” I breathed, lying beside her.  I tentatively reached out for her cool fingers, holding them protectively in mine.  She didn’t seem revolted by my touch like she was a few weeks ago.  But then again she wasn’t aware of my presence now.

            I brushed a loose curl from her eyes and slid nearer to her.  “I do love you, Caroline,” I mouthed, slowly closing the space between us and settling a soft kiss on her lips.  “I do.”



            Each move he made towards me made my heart flutter.  I kept trying to remind myself I wasn’t his wife, but if he was so convinced, why wasn’t I?  He seemed adamant that I was his wife, could I be his wife?  What if I just couldn’t remember?  I shook the thought from my mind; I couldn’t leave hope for something that wasn’t mine to hope for.

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