Chapter 10 Pt. 2: The Inevitable

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            I buried my face in Madden’s neck, so thankful he was alive.  He slowly opened his eyes as a soft smile formed on his lips.  My heart raced in my chest and my lips curled into a relieved smile.  “I must be in heaven,” he whispered, caressing my cheek with the back of his hand.  I shook my head as he wiped a stray tear from my cheek.

            “I thought you were dead,” I whispered, tracing the curvature of his face.

            “I thought I was too,” he laughed, slowly sitting up and standing on wobbly feet.  I stood to help straighten him and he shot a pitiful look down on Catherine.  “I’m glad I’m with you,” he whispered, pulling me into his embrace.  I buried my face in his shoulder, not caring about anything that just transpired; all the icy, bitter, and betrayed feelings were dissolved once I was in his embrace.  “I got the good sister,” he whispered, holding me tighter and resting his chin on the top of my head.

            “I got the good brother,” I whispered, glancing up at him.  “Merry Christmas, Madden.”  He brushed a loose curl from my eyes and left a soft kiss on my forehead.

            “Merry Christmas Care,” he mouthed, settling his eyes on something far away.  I turned to see Benedict running up the hill towards us.

            “What have you done?” He shouted, spotting Catherine’s lifeless figure in the snow.  He sank onto his knees beside her and glared up at Madden and I.  “How could you do this?” He demanded.

            “She tried to kill us, brother,” Madden said, holding me closer to him.

            “You killed her!” He shouted, taking her fingers in his and glaring up at me.  “You did this.”

            “No, Benedict.  You did this,” I said without my voice wavering.  “You couldn’t tell us apart and you let her get too close.”

            He slowly surveyed Catherine’s body and then glanced up at me.  He let out a sigh of relief and shook his head in disbelief.  “I can tell you apart just fine,” he whispered, rising to his feet.  “I’m sorry, Care.”

            “Took you long enough,” Madden scoffed, loosening his arms around my waist.

            “So it was her, the entire time?” Benedict asked.

            “I was the one you found in town,” I whispered, resting my head against Madden’s chest.  “She was the one who you allowed to get the closest to you.”

            “When did you switch?” He asked.

            “After our fight, the day before the party,” I said softly.  “You left early in the morning that day and Maybeth helped to make sure the transition went smoothly.”

            “Maybeth was her best friend,” Madden announced, glaring at Benedict.

            “I’m sorry I never believed you, Care,” he whispered, slowly stepping towards me.

            “I’m sorry too,” I said, holding Madden tighter.

            “You two are welcome to stay for as long as you need,” Benedict said in defeat, sending one last glance in Catherine’s direction.  “I will be sure to excuse Maybeth from her position.”

            I nodded my head and watched as he walked back towards the castle.  “You’d give this up for me?” Madden asked, watching me carefully as we walked.

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