Chapter 1 : Goodbye Agony

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An: Hello there! Thanks for reading this book, I know it's a little different to my normal books, but I love Black Veil Brides so I wanted to write a fanfiction about them!

Walking through the streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota; rain scatters lightly on my face like the tears I shed just two days ago...

Bastard. That's what Mark is.

But I wasn't going to linger on it any longer. I may have lost my opportunity to be in a band, but today I was having an interview with the manager of Black Veil Brides.

That is of course, if I even get the chance to audition...

Panicking and hyperventilating, I lay my shaking hand on the door to the interview room.

I wish I'd brought my guitar.

Although I wouldn't be able to play for the manager today.. My guitar would've at least be some form of comfort for me...

Fender. It's just a small Fender; electro acoustic and jet black.

I rewrap the scarf around my neck, it was a gift from my mother, soft and silky...With snowflakes on. Rightfully I should be taking it off indoors, but it was the only reminiscent I had.

The door creaks open and I step in.

Blasko, the manager of Black Veil Brides, is sitting at a slightly scruffy desk with bits of papers scattered here and there. His real name is Rob, but I already know that he is more widely known as Blasko. Must be some sort of nickname. I decided.

I walk in and sit in a soft red chair. Blasko grins at me no, as he takes a sip of his coffee from a black mug with the Black Veil Brides logo on it.

I refuse to be the first to speak. In fact I'm too scared to. I continue to state intently at the mug; I had one of them at home, that is... until it broke...

"Hello, you're Alice aren't you?" Blasko cries cheerfully.

"Y-yes sir, and I would like to audition to be a support act."

"I see, support act, huh." He answers, his expression unchanging.

I sighed. Doesn't he know why we're having this meeting?

"Right then. Let's get down to business. I'm going to ask you a few questions." He shuffles some of the papers on his desk.

Probably to make himself appear more professional. I sigh.

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