Chapter 8 : Coma

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Author's note: Sorry for the delay on updates, things have been a little hard. Beginning to feel a bit better now though. #nocuts Here's a motivating quote and video from Andy, plus one at the end of the chapter from CC, to anybody who may be struggling too. Keep strong guys! :) And I would like to say thank you to StarRiverClan22 for messaging me, this part is dedicated to you. Thanks again for reading!

"She's awake!"

I blink open my sticky eyelids to find myself in a hospital bed with Ashley, CC, Jake and Jinxx staring over me. Their makeup startled me for a moment till I processed what had happened.

"Where's Andy..?" Is all I can mutter.

"He's over there." Jake points.

I peep around my flower patterned bed curtains to spot Andy a few beds down apparently reading a Batman comic.

"He was concussed too, he came round a few minutes ago." Ash informs.

"So sorry this had to happen on your birthday..." Jinxx remarks.

I try to stand on my shaky legs in an attempt to walk to Andy's bed when CC quickly pushes me back down again.

"W-what happened?" I mumble through clenched teeth.

"I don't think you should be moving yet, Alice. Wait till a doctor sees you." CC answers bluntly.

A short while later, a middle aged doctor looked into my eyes with a torch and confirmed that I wasn't too disorientated and just needed rest. I was then allowed to be escorted to Andy's bed. I was told that a pyrotechnic had gone off when it wasn't supposed to and it caused a large pillar to fall onto the stage. Luckily Andy had seen it and pushed me away from the pillar in time, to him narrowly missing it and tripping flat over wires and a fallen amplifier.

"Hey Alice." Andy murmurs as I approach.

Looking closely at him, I could instantly see that he must be worse than me as his pupils narrow as though he was struggling to focus. Perhaps his vision is blurred?

Andy then tosses his comic down and encourages me to sit on the bed.

"Can't read a fucking thing..."

"Well you have been staring at that same page for over ten minutes now." Ashley comments.

I laugh, then find myself throwing my arms around Andy and I press my body against his chest. He winces.

"Whoah there! Watch yourself! I think I may have bruised a few ribs."

"Opps; sorry." I sit up.

"It's okay, Alice." Andy coughs.

The doctors had taken all his black makeup off and I gaze into his beautiful grey-blue eyes.

Andy coughs again, then winces in pain.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine, Alice." He rasps, still needing to cough. "I've taken hits to my chest before; what matters is that you're safe."

Andy looks at my eyes before leaning back on the pillow and closing his own. It is then that I fall asleep on the chair next to him.


The following morning the doctors came round and spoke concisely to Andy and me, giving information about our recovery; we were then discharged and were to meet the guys in the hotel lobby.

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