Chapter 4 : Strings

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The following morning, I woke a little wearier than usual. I pulled the curtains back and blinked at the bright sunrise before me. Fiery reds and burning oranges stretched across the morning sky. I slumped onto the hotel bed and threw my head back onto the soft pillow. It was then that I heard a loud knock on the door.

"Hey Alice, is it okay if I come in?" I hear Andy's voice.

"Yeah." I answer, looking through the spy glass to see Andy wearing a skull tank top. The door clicks as I open it with the card and Andy steps in.

"Morning." Andy murmurs as he places himself on the sofa.

"Good morning, would you like a hot drink?" I press.

"Just a coffee please." He replies picking something off the table.

I fill the kettle up and pour one of the hotel sachets into a mug.

"We're off to Las Vegas tonight." Andy mumbles as he takes a bites round the cookie he had stolen off the coffee table.

"Did I say you could eat that?" I question boldly.

"Oops sorry." Andy grins taking another bite. "You can have it back if you want it.."

"Erm... No thanks." I push his giant hand away.

"Is there a reason you came to see me before breakfast?" I ask.

"Not really. Just come to see how you were after last night." He smiles, his eyes staring at my crossed over dressing gown.

"Well, I am perfectly fine thank you." I pull my dressing gown over my chest a little more, glad to be wearing it.

"Good, you're on stage at 6.30. Oh, and we've got a signing today. Two O' Clock, I think.."

"And why didn't Blasko inform me?" I interrogate.

"He's got a lot of organising on his plate. Plus I think he wants to test you, to see how you cope."

Great. New manager means new rules. Should've thought of that before I auditioned. Wait I didn't audition, did I? Oh well.


After our early start, later in the day, we arrive at the location where the signing will take place.

Fantastic. Although I have previously released one solo album with Mark. hardly anybody knows me as an artist. This may be eventful.

I arrive in a room surrounded by BVB merchandise on all sides. Items from t-shirts to posters to mugs like my old one were decorating the entire room.

I couldn't help myself, and I paid Blasko for 10 BVB guitar picks, each with a different picture of the band on. 5 of which, also had signatures from the band members printed on the back. I felt happy as I clutched them close.

Ashley walks in and sees the picks in my hand. He smiles and goes to sit at the desk that Blasko had provided for the signing. He has his shades on as usual and is wearing a black tank top and skull crucifix. Every detail of his sleeve tattoos visible to the eye.

Hmm. Maybe the fans will trace over his tattoos? I spot the sexy woman on his left arm and wonder if she is significant to Ashley's life.

Jinxx is the next to arrive and is completely silent as he places himself next to Ash.

"Bring on the fans!" CC smirks as he walks in with Jake and Andy trailing behind him. "This'll be a fucking blast!"

"CC do you have to be so eccentric at every damn event?" Andy bawls as I observe CC throwing his shirt off before sitting down.

"Be nice guys." Blasko retorts, creeping in behind us all.

I pull up a chair and sit beside Ashley at the end. Andy of course is in the middle of the table, Jake and Jinxx on either side of him.

It isn't long before the first few fans walk in; I remember what Andy had told me earlier that morning at breakfast.

"We go about our fans in a sedulous manner, as some may seem a bit extravagant, even by our standards. Some people go to great lengths just to get a single picture. But, in spite of that, our primary goal will always be to make each and every fan happy. Their safety and welfare is also top priority too."

Suddenly the room becomes electric and the guys are talking with each individual fan whilst signing posters, records, t-shirts and more. Some fans even brought in guitars to be signed!

Andy in particular is very dexterous; he speaks with a young girl asking her questions, like what is her favourite BVB song and how had she come to like the band, whilst simultaneously signing every single album that she has brought to the table.

It's amazing how they communicate with their fans. Making an even deeper connection through a less-than-two-minute signing session. I am thrilled.

After the signing, Blasko takes us to a backstreet studio to practise for the evening performance.

I find myself chatting to Ashley while the guitar technician prepares the amplifiers.

"Have you ever played bass before?" Ash asks, leaning closer to me as we sit together watching the guitar tech and security guys set up the studio stage.

"No I can't say I have." I reply a little harshly.

"Well, I could always teach you.." He teases.

I feel a little flustered as Ashley lays a hand on my knee whilst looking into my eyes.

Suddenly our conversation comes to an abrupt end when Blasko calls us for rehearsal.

"Oh! Curtain call! Come on Alice, we'd better go."Ashley gets up and heads towards the stage.

I watch as Blasko puts each band member through an individual rehearsal; they then did a quick rehearsal together going through each song.

Seeing them work hard like this makes me realise how much goes into being an artist or band. I now know how they adapt the album recordings into live performances. It's a lot more work then the outsiders see.

"That's a rap guys! You did great. Keep it up for tonight!"

I smile at Blasko's enthusiasm as we all head back to the van to drive to our destination for the evening show.

Seeing how Blasko works with the guys has helped in motivating me to do well. I understand what strings are attached to being a dedicated artist and how to be successful.

Quote: "My guitar is not a thing. It is an extension of myself. It is who I am." ~ Joan Jett.

AN: Thanks for 100 views guys!! Keep reading! Please comment your feedback so I can improve!

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