Chapter 13: Unbroken

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We all got up super early as Blasko had informed us that we were to spend the majority of the day rehearsing for the evening show.

I was backstage helping Rich and the other technicians with gear. Switching and testing lights, whilst the guys were working through their set list for tonight's performance.

I had just finished testing a floor light and I hear the distinctive guitar opening of Shadow's Die as I clamber over cables and a smoke machine in order to switch on the strobe.

Several harsh white lights blind me for a few seconds before I tumble backward and fall over a plastic set chair.

"Woah! You alright?" Rich asks with concern as I push the chair off me and stand up.

"Fine thanks." I shrug.

"Guess you were a little too close to the box." Rich says as he passes me a glass of water after I sat down to wait for the light to fade from my eyes.

One of the lighting technicians who had flicked the strobe off walks up to me.

"Don't worry. Strobe lighting isn't allowed to be used extensively because of things like that. Take a break and I'll manage the strobe from now on."

I nod and watch them work on the set. Still a little dazed, I pick up Ashley's rivet gloves instead and polish them with careful diligence before placing them back onto the props table. I continue to do the same with his black bullet belt, whilst listening to them do play throughs of Lost It All, Sweet Blasphemy and Never Give In. After that I got to have a short chat with Ash and the guys on their break.

"Thanks for cleaning up my things," Ash grins and takes his belt and gloves off the props table.

"Oooh! Look at that!" CC's teases never cease as he thumps Ashley on the back.

Andy then walks over to pick up his cell phone from the table.

"Quit with your childish games CC! Tell Blasko that I'll be back in ten. I'm off to ring Juliet now and tell her that I can see her in our short break before the world tour..." Andy strolls outside lighting a fag in his mouth before he dials his wife's number.

Once it got to the evening performance, I was more than prepared and did some of my own solos on Jake's Schecter, with great results from the crowd.

"Now it's your turn guys! Make it the best show of the tour so far!" I beam with enthusiasm as screams erupt when a silhouetted gauze reveals the shadows of Andy and the others on either side of him.

The audience intensifies into an even louder roar when CC begins on the drums and Andy looks up to the stage lights as the gauze is slowly lifted.

The night in Miami was the most fantastic show throughout the entire tour. Andy had to take a vocal break half way through to catch his breath and I was captivated to find that Ashley took over and they played a cover of Fallen Angels.

Ash took the lead vocals and bass while Andy was off stage having a glass of water. Ash was amazing at getting the crowd going and rallied everyone up into clapping his hands in rhythm with CC's drum beat.

The atmosphere was so heated and it was then that I realised how dedicated this band truly was as a whole; and therefore proved that they would remain, unbroken, despite anything that life may throw at them.

Feeling proud of Ashley, I hugged him when the guys finally came off stage.

"That was awesome Ash! I never realised you could sing so well on your own as lead."

Ash turns away bashfully and is possibly a little intimidated by my sudden burst of intimacy.

"Thanks Alice." He smiles and pulls his long star chain over his head before clipping it around my neck under my brown locks that he strokes softly against my shoulders.

"I want you to have this. To remember tonight. I can't wait to tour the rest of the world with you. I..I'd miss you... If you didn't come along."

"I'd miss you too." I answer happily, clasping the pendant of the necklace in my left hand.

We then lean in together for the very first time under the city stars cast out onto the golden coast of Miami.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this book. Sorry it is so short. This is the final chapter, I did have hopes to right more but I just wasn't feeling it. This was one of my lower rated books after all... But never mind<3.

Comment below👇 if you want this story to continue. I may write a sequel or even continue this one if you wish!  A sequel would be more focused on Alice's relationship with Ash and the rest of the world tour, but I want to hear your thoughts on this as I don't think I have enough interest at this moment in time.

Comment "Ash" for a sequel or "Black Veil Brides" if you want it to continue from here!

Thanks again for reading guys! And I really am truly sorry for slow updates... :(

Video above of Ash singing the lead of Fallen Angels when Andy injured himself on stage.

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