Black Veil Brides Backstory: Knives and Pens

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Author's note: As any hardcore fan would knowthe band's first major hit was Knives and Pens. I wanted to tell you a little more about this as I did some research on how this phenomenal track was produced. I wanted to add a little extra for all you BVB Soldiers!

First of all, the track Knives and Pens was a self-released single by Standby Records. It is one of their most popular songs to date, with over 70 million views on the YouTube music video. This was made with the band's original members and for those of you who don't know who they are here is a list:

•Andy Six (Now Biersack) – lead vocals, keyboards
•Chris Stewert – lead guitar
•James "Jaymz" Dorman – Lead guitar/Song writer, backing vocals
•Robert "Badass" Thomas – bass
•Mathew Smith "Smitty"– drums

The song was written by Andy Biersack, he says that the title, "Knives and Pens" has significance to the meaning of the lyrics. Knives~ meaning "destruction" (as in harming yourself or not living life to the fullest, examples: drugs/ alcohol/self harm) and Pens~ "creation" (as in the choice he decided to make to begin writing music and to make something of his life). The message the band are trying to get across is that if you make good choices in life, you can rise above and conquer whatever troubles you may come across.

The song is in the key of D major and the guitars are tuned to Drop D. For those of you who don't know what that means, it means that the 6th string (low E) is tuned down a step to play a D. (Yes I know.. Sorry... I am a guitarist, lol!)

The official music video for the song was released on YouTube on June 17, 2009, it was directed by Patrick Fogarty, who later directed the "Perfect Weapon," "The Legacy," "Rebel Love Song," and "Coffin" music videos. The video stars actor David Sasik, who is playing the role of the kid resembling Andy. It was a very low-budget project, but despite this, the video launched the band into international fame.

The music video depicts a scenario similar to Andy's years in school, where he was bullied for the way he dressed, looked and the music he listened to; the only difference is that Andy does not have any siblings in reality... (Yeah. Hmm... About that....)

A boy walks to his school locker and sees papers taped to it that have hurtful messages written on them, such as "emo", "fag", and "kill yourself". He rips them down and throws them to the ground in anger. Even his brother bullies him, stealing his notebook that he writes lyrics inspired by his feelings of anger in. He goes home angry, but his brother eventually comes in and returns his notebook. He then proceeds to begin writing the lyrics to "Knives and Pens". He also is seen watching the video of Black Veil Brides playing the song and there are clips of the band playing with occasionally dressing in white and occasionally dressing in black.

The song was released on 17th June 2009. And an acoustic lyric video was released in 2013 along with an acoustic single of the track.

June 17th today is now celebrated in memory of their first single as International Black Veil Brides Day! :)

This text above is not my own, although I have re-worded elements, this information was found on this website: But I placed it in as I thought you might want to learn a bit more about the track! Thanks for reading! Enjoy the rest of my extras for this book! :)

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