A New Band Shall Rise...

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Or maybe not. Who knows?

Wazzup guys! So a few friends and I have decided that we want to form a band. We don't know what we'll call ourselves yet, and that's part of the reason I'm posting this. But more about that later!

Right now, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about us. There are four people in our band, and we've all decided to keep ourselves anonymous. So for this reason, I'm just going to list the first names of the people in the band, along with their stage name and what they play/do.

The Band

Amanda. "Exiled Angel" Lead singer.

Tyler. "Dr. Cavalier" Lead guitarist.

Josh. "Mr. Paradise" Bass.

Riley (Me!) "Chaos Boy" Drums and Backup vocals.

So yeah! That's what we have. We might change our stage names later, we dunno. We have a few songs written, but now we gotta get gigs. But only after we find a name! So I need your guys' help.

What would be a good name for our band? A few of the songs we have written are titled "Dream Requiem", "After The Fall", "Run Or Die", and "Born Into Chaos". They're rock songs, we're trying to go for a rock/alt rock style. Based on this, what do you guys think we should call ourselves? Also, should we change our names? If so, what to? If you guys could leave comments, that'd be great. You guys are awesome 😉👍

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