13 Questions

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It is what it is. RoseLupin27  tagged me.

13 facts!
1. I hate the color pink.
2. I have my right eyebrow pierced, but I don't wear anything in it.
3. I'm anti-Ford.
4. I play the harmonica.
5. I sometimes talk to a picture of Michael J. Fox that is hanging in the lounge at work.
6. I've broken a total of 27 bones in my body. Some more than once!
7. I regularly post on 4chan.
8. I am now the main director in my school's drama program.
9. I've gotten arrested once. If you want the whole story, PM me.
10. I have a total of 32 siblings, but I've only met 5 of them.
11. I've claimed to be many nationalities, but in all honesty I'm actually 50% Greek and 50% Siberian!
12. I have a collaboration YouTube channel!
13. I race motocross.

The 13 Questions!
1. How much do I hate Lupin for tagging me? Not at all.
2. What is the meaning of life? Rolling down the windows, driving along the beach, blasting your favorite song, and sipping a cold glass of lemonade.
3. What book character do I relate to most? Probably David from Jumper.
4. Favorite season? Summer.
5. Dream pet? A puffin.
6. If I could live in a fictional world, what would it be? Probably The Horizon Festival.
7. What is the closest object on my right? My golf club that I sleep with.
8. Catch phrase? "I'm not stupid, I just like having fun!"
9. If my life was a sitcom, what would the theme song be? Won't Get Fooled Again by The Who.
10. I don't know what a tootsie pop is.
11. I dunno. I just let my TP sit on the counter.
12. Least favorite thing to do? Sleep.
13. If I could spend a day with anyone, who would it be? Probably You_Can_Be_Alice since she's basically my best friend.

13 questions!
1. Red Dead Redemption or LA Noire?
2. If you had only one weapon to use in the zombie apocalypse, what would it be?
3. What song do you play in your head while preparing for a test?
4. Hans Zimmer or Michael Giaccino?
5. What was the last good year for movies?
6. Best movie of 2015?
7. Which war would you want to fight in?
8. Can you do the truffle shuffle?
9. Who would work in a fight? Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers?
10. Do you take the elevator to fame or the stairs to success?
11. Favorite sport to watch?
12. What are you wearing?
13. What's one talent you wish you had?


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