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So..... AshleySkywalker dared me to do this..... I hate you. (Not really)


My birthday: Truthfully? I've kinda lied about it, but.... It's actually July 26.

Nicest thing I've done for someone: I gave this random homeless dude my shoes one time. Not sure why, but be appreciated it! XD

Nicest thing I've done for myself:
Taking myself to a Sabaton concert.

Favorite season: Summer

If I could go to any college, I'd go to: BYU Idaho.

If I could visit any state: I'd visit Texas. Not telling why.

My questions:

1. Favorite song and why?

2. Most embarrassing moment?

3. Dream car?

4. Favorite sport and why?

5. Scenario: A man walks up to you, hands you a briefcase, and says "Your life, your choice. Sixty seconds." He walks away. WHAT DO YOU DO?

Imma answer my own questions cause why not?!?!

1. "Still Alive" by Glados from Portal. I love it because it comes from my favorite game. And it talks about cake!
2. When I was at an art museum and someone had set out one of those red buttons that shouts random things. I pushed it because I thought it would activate an exhibit, but instead it screamed the word "N*****!"
3. A 1969 Chevrolet El Camino.
4. Supercross! It's so much fun, and you get to ride dirt bikes!
5. I'd open it. If it blows up, oh well, screwed that up.

RoseLupin27 SunriseEclipse frazelfanfics kissmecait -sykopath-

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