Are You Freaking Kidding Me?!??

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Chelsea_Hopper made me do this. Somebody's gonna getta hurt real bad! I won't say who. But I think you know them well.

Any who, whassup people? So I got tagged to do this, so here I go.

1. Favorite song? It changes. Right now? Probably Short Skirt Long Jacket by Cake.
2. Favorite sport? Motocross. Motocross is love.
3. Least favorite sport? Baseball.
4. Favorite food? Meatloaf sandwiches.
5. Any pets? Yes, a dog named Mandy.
6. Favorite number? 1337.
7. OTP? I had to google this. Casey and Morgan in Chuck. So... Masey? I dunno if I did that right. (Btw, I know they're not a couple in the show, but they're funny together.)
8. Hobbies? Motocross, supercross, video games, writing, drama, etc.
9. Random fact? I have two webbed toes on both feet.
10. Dream job? Motocross racer.
11. Favorite place? Sleep Train Arena in Sacramento, CA. GO KINGS!!!!!
12. Favorite animal? Ducks.
13. Least favorite season? Winter.

So that's it! And here are mine.

1. Favorite superhero?
2. Favorite TV show?
3. Shoes or no shoes?
4. Country music or rock music?
5. Least favorite time of day?
6. Least favorite subject in school?
7. Truth or dare?
8. Run or fight?
9. Favorite Christmas gift?
10. Ideal date?
11. OTP? One true paring)
12. Motocross or Supercross?
13. Truth or false: The moon landing was staged.


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