Yandere Time

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I've got this weird obessession over yandere males. Who's with me XD

Warning : This chapter might be a little dark and there'd be abit of over-over-protective-males inside.


It was sudden. Very sudden.

When he was walking home from school, Nagisa's eyesight suddenly turned black as he felt himself getting shoved into an enclosed space, a bag most likely.

He felt himself getting tossed and turned inside the bag as his carrier carried him somewhere. He tried to struggle, but to no avail as his capturer was way stronger than him.

After a few agonising minutes, his ride stopped as he was tossed out of the bag and onto cold, hard ground.

Even then, he couldn't see a single thing, until something was removed from his face. It was a blindfold!

Blinking to get use to the harsh lighting, Nagisa peered up at his capturer's face and was surprised to find himself face to face with a very familiar face.

"W-What do you think you are doing-"

Nagisa was interjected when he felt his arms getting tied from behind him, Nagisa tried to struggle but he couldn't help but be distracts with thoughts. Thoughts on why this person would have kidnapped him.

"This isn't a joke! Let me go!" Nagisa tried.

"Shhh... Nagisa, it's alright. It's alright..." The person softly rubbed circles on Nagisa's back, as if wanting to soothe him, but it only served to increase the tension.

"Why are you doing this-" Nagisa was once again interupted when the other male spoke.

"Why? Why am I doing this? Nagisa-kun, that sure is a funny question. I can't stand it. I really can't stand it-" He untied Nagisa's hair so it fell into his hands "- Do you know how much it hurts me to see myNagisa talking to other males?" He brought the bundle of hair near his face " How you keep trying to make me jealous by hanging out with other males?" He rubbed the strands of hair with his cheeks "Don't worry" He came closer to Nagisa " You don't have to make me jealous, my heart already belongs to you!" And Nagisa froze when he saw how his friend's eyes were lifeless, but filled with lust.

"W-Wait- What are you even talking about? I've never once tried to make you-"

"Don't worry Nagisa, I understand, you don't have to explain yourself. You are just so cute, trying to make me jealous." The other male shifted himself so that his head was resting on Nagisa's shoulders. " It's okay, it really is! I even took care of the others so that they won't try to look at you with dirty eyes ever again!"

Hearing that, Nagisa's eyes widened as he hastily asked.

" What did you do to them?"

"Nothing special. Nothing they don't deserve. Serves them right for stealing my time with you."

Nagisa grew more worried each second. Worried about his friends and worried about the person in front of him.

"But that one guy. I really hate him. How dare he look at you as if you were his?"

Huh? Nagisa looked up to see his kidnapper's eyes filled with rage.

"If only he wasn't so sneaky, I'd have taken care of him quickly. Ah, but don't worry, no one is going to interupt our time together now. Oh yes! I had almost forgot! I've brought a present for you!"

Nagisa panicked. Whatever present he was going to get isn't going to be a good one, he could guess.


When a human sized cage appeared in front of him, Nagisa could only shiver. He hoped he didn't just jinxed himself when he thought of a reason why his suddenly strange friend wanted to gift him a freaking human sized cage.

"If you were inside this cage, you won't ever need to worry about being with me! I too, won't ever worry about you being with other people! Isn't this such a great solution?"

Shaking his head in fear, Nagisa tried to back away until his back hit the wall.

The other male hunched over Nagisa's slacked form as he smiled.

"We would have so many great time together!"

"Right? Nagisa."


Okay, that was creepy.

It's a really short chapter, but I hope to satisfy some of your needs with this short chapter.

The person who 'kidnapped' Nagisa would remain a secret, so you can imagine it to be either Asano or Karma :)

(Though it's kinda leaning towards Asano...of maybe someone else (winkwink)Well, it's up to you :D)

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