Bathing Time

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I recently realised that many flags are raised when it's raining.

Wynnfield here do not own AC manga nor anime.

(I've created a facebook account for fanfictioning, and things, but I don't really know what to do with it. Name : Alyss SpacingAround)


It rained while Nagisa and Karma was heading home.

Of course, since Karma's house was nearer than Nagisa's which is about a few kilometres away, Karma invited him to his to wait for the rain to stop.

"Are you sure your parents won't be angry?" Nagisa asked hesitantly, stripping naked as he entered the bathtub.

"I'm sure, I'm sure, you visit all the time anyway," Karma reassured him while standing behind the screen doors, never hating the blockage that seperates him and Nagisa's naked body as much as now. 'How many times has this been? If only Nagisa could unlock the doors right now...' and Karma travelled to Lalaland.

Nagisa shivered as he stared at the shadow behind the bathoom door.

"Erm...Karma-kun? Why are you still standing there?" he asks meekily.

"A-Ah...sorry, I'll leave now..." Karma answered dejectedly, voice muffled by his hands which was trying to stop his nosebleed.

"No, wait! I mean...Don't you want to bath too? Since you are also drenched from the rain." Nagisa asked once again, a blush visible from his face.

Meeting a (very) positive respond, Nagisa unlocked the doors he didn't realise was locked...must had been his habits, as Karma rushed in with only a bath towel wrapped around his waist.

Nagisa sweatdropped as he saw the flush Karma had on his face...He did not want to know what was the cause of it.

"Then...I'll go soak myself first while you shower?" Nagisa asked Karma who nodded enthusiastically.

Much to Karma's disappointment, Nagisa didn't remove his towel from his waist, but was quite satisfied with the view Nagisa's upper half gave.

Karma showered with lightning speed as he anticipated showering with Nagisa without any interference.

The last time he tried to do this was when they were at a travel camp, at a hot spring, where a certain menace had to disrupt their together time.

It grates on his nerves how that guy always manage to stop him before he could claim Nagisa. What was he? Was he an esper? Or did he have some kind of tracking device- Wait..a second...

Karma eyes the bathroom door suspiciously, thinking about tracking devices and blondies before shaking his head.

"Impossible." No matter how obsessive he is, that guy won't go to such extreme...right?

Nagisa turned to ask Karma what was wrong when he was met with a head shake.


Somewhere else...

"How dare he. How DARE he!" a certain Gakushu raged as he slammed down his phone on to the cushioned seats beside him.

Rage enveloped Asano as he thought about what Karma was going to do with Nagisa without any parental guidance.

...No parents?


"Akabane Karma...You sure got guts..." Asano gritted his teeth as he stood up abruptly and left the room, where two red dots are together at a place named 'Akabane residence'.


"How dare you Akabane Karma!" Asano exclaimed as he slammed the doors open.

How he unlocked the locks to both the house gate and the bathroom? That's a trade secret.

"Wha-" Nagisa quickly fumbled with his words as he tried to cover himself.

Karma just stared at him uninterestedly.

"...Are you serious?" Karma complained.

Asano raised an eyebrow at the complaint.

Nagisa just tried to hide himself by sinking himself into the water-filled bathtub, flushing really red.

'Why does this happen every single time when me and Karma are alone?' Nagisa complained silently in his head.


End of chapter

Not so much of fanservice, more of comedy, and more of NagisaxKarma, not so much of NagisaxAsano.

Hope you have all enjoyed.

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