Tuition Time

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I haven't been updating this fiction recently, but here's a new chapter~~ 



Nagisa POV

"From here, you subtract x from 2y, then..."

Staring at the Karma-kun who's teaching me so intently makes me feel all fuzzy inside. Although I feel guilty for making him come all the way to tutor me, if I can stare at Karma-kun's face all day, I'm satisfied.

"Are you listening?"

Karma-kun rolled up a notebook and repeatedly hit my head to wake me up from my distraction. 

"O-Ouch! I'm listening, I'm listening!" I slapped the offending item away from my forehead and sighed. "You can continue. I'm listening."

"...If you say so." My older cousin directed me a warning look when I was about to get distracted again.

But even if I want to listen, my head's all filled up with you, Karma-kun...

If he knew that I were the top student of the year in my school, I wonder if he will continue teaching me?

I wonder if I told him about my feelings for him, will he accept it?





I jumped up from my seat when I matched the reoccurring voices in my head to a face.

"I'm sorry, Koro-sensei!" I bowed deeply, trying to distract myself from the giggling and whispers of my classmates.

"There's no problems caused, but if you are not feeling well, you should go to the infirmary." Nodding my head to signify how much sleep I need, Koro-sensei asked the class for a volunteer to bring me to the infirmary.

It had started ever since Mother caught me playing a popular game lent from Maehara-kun. My over-bearing mother had been worried over my grades, and had invited the prodigy of the family-my older cousin, Karma- over to tutor this useless child of hers. Even though I had told her countless times that I am managing my studies very well, always securing a top position within my school, Mother wanted me to improve even further. She had told me about how she wanted me to attend T-University and make her proud. 

Days and days after coming back from school, she sit in the living room with another one of the private tutors she had hired and welcome me home with a (sadistic) smile. 

As a son, I want to make my mother proud and all, but all these tutoring were making me stressed. Rather than helping me in my studies, I felt like the mundane everyday was too much for me to handle, and once I had collapsed from over-studying.

It had became a routine for Koro-sensei, my Mathematics and English teacher, to take note of my dark circles and appoint someone to bring my to the sick bay. Though I I feel grateful to him, he really shouldn't disrupt the class because of me. I had told him countless times that I can just go to the infirmary myself, but he always retorts back, worrying whether or not I would collapse on the way.

And thus, Gakushu Asano-san had been more or less my personal guide to the infirmary. He's always so patient with me, following me to the infirmary even though he would miss his lessons. Even though we aren't really close, he still do so much for me. I really appreciate his actions. Not any scholarship student would want to miss an important lesson to escort a classmate after all.

Trouble Time (Assassination Classroom KarmaxNagisaxAsano Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now