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Sara types in her friend's number into her new phone carelessly. smiling to herself. she then texts her best friend

"hey girl heyyyyyy" - Sara

she sits down on her bed. feeling happy as always. she reads the text

"umm who the heck is this?" - stranger

"It's Sara. Angie?" -Sara

"Um no this is Louis." - Stranger

"haha yeah right bestie." -Sara

"can i see a pic of you?" - Louis

Sara rolls her eyes and takes a picture of herself. she sends it to the person

 she sends it to the person

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"See it's me Angie" - Sara

"Look you're really attractive. i'm Louis Tomlinson. from one direction! you've probably heard our music a lot" - Louis

Sara realizes it's really not Angie and she face palms to herself before texting back

"actually i'm Deaf" -Sara

"Oh" - Louis

"well shit this got awkward" - Louis

"lol no it didn't. i'm perfectly normal. don't worry :)" - Sara

"ik. hey i gtg to rehearsals. ttyl babe" - Louis

she blushes hard and texts back

"Later Boo Bear" -Sara

Texting (L.T.) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now