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Sara sighs as she goes to the doctor's office. she lets him test her reflexes and she sighs when he tries to find some working nerves in her legs. her eyes widen when he hits her knee gently and she moves it a tiny bit

"you may be gaining some use in them back" he says smiling

she nods and listens  and feels shy as he hooks up a special machine to her legs and he hands her special crutches. Sara's eyes widen and she tears up from joy as she takes her first step. she looks at the doctor with pure joy she hands him some money and she thanks him. she walks herself home and she smiles walking to Zayn. Zayn's eyes widen and he swoops her up into his arms showering her with love.

"you can walk!!" he says happily "how??"

"with this machine. i can walk around more. he gave me a really good one. so i can go to the award show and walk instead of sit and i can actually have fun!" Sara says excitedly

He nods and smiles at her

"what would you like to do for now my love?" he asks gently

"how about we go for a nice walk in the park?" Sara asks feeling so proud and happy

Zayn nods.  Sara grabs her jacket and they walk out the door. as they walk along Sara is separated from Zayn. his fans keep them apart Sara starts going off on her own and walks to a nearby diner. she waves at Karen as her friend takes peoples orders. Sara sits down and smiles at Karen

"can i please have a coffee? you know my favorite type" Sara says giggling

"course" Karen says not noticing too much

 Karen gives her her usual coffee and Sara walks out as well as she can. she drinks her coffee and sits on the park bench. she keeps her head down when she sees Louis walking through. she ignores the fans and ignores Louis as she watches him with his son Freddie. she watches as Freddie drops his toy and she bends down and picks it up gently handing it to him

"there you go buddy" she says very softly

Louis glances over and his eyes widen in shock when he realizes it's Sara

"Sara.." he says looking at her with wide eyes "is that you?"

Sara rubs the back of her arm

"yeah it is" Sara mumbles

he holds Freddie and looks at Sara with wide eyes

"i haven't seen you in over a year" he says speechlessly

"if only it had been longer" Sara mumbles

Louis ignores her rude words and he smiles at her

"s-so how're things?" he asks

"pretty good i guess. Zayn and i are still together. and i'm pretty sure he's gonna propose" Sara says smiling at the thought

"oh" Louis says feeling his heart snap "i'm happy for you"

"yeah. he didn't cheat on me and break my heart. unlike you" Sara says clearly still upset 

Louis looks down. he happens to notice she's standing./ tears form into his eyes

"you're walking again?" he asks gently

"yeah. i just got the new machine for me to walk  with" Sara says "hey i gotta go. tell the boys i said hi"

Sara walks away and Louis stands there speechlessly with his son. Louis buys his coffee and he walks back to the hotel. he waves at Niall as he enters

"i saw Sara" Louis says

"oh my god how is she?" Niall asks getting excited

"she's walking with some machine helping her. and god she's so stunning" Louis says "but she's with Zayn. and he's gonna propose to her. he'd be dumb to not."

"mate you cheated on her" Liam says walking in

"I know but i still love her. i wanna be with her" Louis says "i made a mistake by leaving her.

"she's the one who left you though" harry adds in

"jesus you boys know what i mean"  Louis says getting frustrated

"no worries Lou we know" they say softly 

"Well you'll see her at the brit awards tomorrow. if that's any good news" Niall says

"i know" Louis mumbles "I just wanna have her on my arm. not on Zayn's. she's mine. and always will be"

harry hugs Louis. Louis hugs back and calms down

"i guess i lost her forever.. d-didn't i?" Louis asks tearing up

"i'm so sorry Lou" Harry says gently

"it's not your fault Haz" Louis says gently

Harry rubs his back soothingly and holds Louis' hand.


"Sara baby we're out of good food" Zayn says in a whiny tone.

"so? go shopping." Sara says laughing "you're just as capable of it as i am"

Zayn chuckles

"i love that you used to be deaf. you treat me like i'm just another ordinary guy" he says smiling at her

"thanks babe" she says with a laugh. "now go shopping yourself. i'm binge watching game of thrones"

he pouts playfully and he leaves. Sara giggles and continues to watch game of thrones. she laughs as Gigi walks in and plops beside her

"why didn't you call me?? i love game of thrones!!" she says pouting

"cause Zayn was here and i didn't want it to be awkward"Sara says blushing

"Awe" Gigi coos

"shut up" Sara says laughing "the brit's are tomorrow. i'm freaking nervous. what if i see Louis?"

"ignore him" Gigi says

"i saw him today. he and i talked a tiny bit" Sara admits "but don't tell Zayn that. i can't hurt him by telling him i saw his ex-best friend  and felt my feelings coming back for him"

Gigi nods and they both eat oreos

"what're you gonna do? you can't hide it forever" Gigi says

"just hide it till i have a good time to tell him" Sara says

Gigi sighs

"but what if he does something romantic and louis gets jealous?" Gigi asks

"i don't know. guess i'll wing it" Sara says smiling some "Zayn's my boyfriend. not Louis"

"true" Gigi says with a giggle "he's hot"

"yeah he is" Sara says "you should see him in bed"

they both burst out laughing and they both blush. Sara doesn't know what she is gonna do. but whatever she does will change her life forever.

Texting (L.T.) FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora