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Sara sighs sadly as she stays in her hospital bed. her head pounding. she looks up and her heart aches when she spots Louis walking in. she stays silent and shuts her eyes trying to ignore that he's there. she feels his hand rest on hers and she knows he's sitting beside her. she opens her eyes and looks at him with tears beginning to fall. she speaks as well as she can.

"s-shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" Sara asks out of breath from pain

he texts her and hands her her phone

"Sara i love you. only you. i left her. I'm staying here till you get the surgery for your ears." - Louis

she reads it and she feels her tears falling.

"i l-love you too" she struggles with saying

he smiles some at her and they ever so gently kiss.


as Louis kisses her he feels his heart racing. they pull apart and he smiles rubbing her waist. he texts her

"you relax. i'm gonna talk to your friend" - Louis

"okay" she says weakly

Louis walks to Karen and takes a deep breath.

"hi i'm Louis" Louis says "you must be Karen"

Karen's speachless and Louis chuckles slightly

"y-yeah i am. you're cuter in person" she says blushing

"thanks but i'm taken. i'm with your best friend" Louis says chuckling lightly "so what has the doctor said about her legs?"

"she won't be able to walk again"Karen explains "she broke her spine and it paralyzed her. she can't do anything really. she can feel pain and shit like that around her vagina. but not much. she was hit so hard. they thought they might have to amputate her legs"

Louis nods and rubs the back of his neck

"what pain meds are they giving her?" he asks nervously

"they gave her strong pain meds, and they gave her some that got her a little dizzy. so she might slur some." she explains

he nods and she hands him the pain meds list. he goes off to the pharmacy after seeing Sara's asleep. as he waits in line he hears a few camera's go off. he turns and sighs seeing the paps are there. he leans over the counter and talks quietly to the man at the desk

"listen i'm from a band and i'm trying to get this for a girl i'm close to. and if they see me grabbing drugs it might look bad. can you like sneak stuff around for me?" Louis asks

the guy nods some realizing it's Louis anmd louis picks up a pair of sun glasses and buys them. he walks outside and disappears into the back of the building. he thanks the guy as he hands Louis the pain meds

"she needs to take these three times a day" the man explains "breakfast, lunch ,and dinner"

Louis nods and takes them back to the hospital. as he gets in the room he smiles. Sara's sleeping peacefully. he sets her pain meds on the nightstand and he lays with her carefully. she moves her head onto his chest and he wraps his arms around her. he shuts his eyes and soon falls asleep.


Liam smiles some as he reads a text from karen. he shows the boys the picture of Louis holding Sara

"they're meant to be together" Niall says smiling

"I know. i expect them to end up getting married one day" Harry says chuckling

"they're perfect together" Liam adds

"lets hope once she gets her hearing she'll end up together with him" Niall says smiling

"i hate that she's become paralyzed" Harry states "it's gonna be so hard for her"

"she already is deaf. and now she can't use her legs.. i feel so bad for her" Liam mumbles

We should come up with a way to surprise her and make her happy!" Niall says

"like what?" Liam asks

"what if we help her with trying to walk again?" harry asks

"that's impossible. her spinal cord is broken in a way that she won't be able to use her legs again." Liam says "i wish we could though"

they all sit around together thinking of what to do. they gotta come up with a plan. for Sara. and Louis.

Karen sighs and takes a picture of Louis and Sara. she reads a text from a unknown number

"hey do you have a pic of Louis and Sara? i'll pay you for it" - unknown

she gets confused

"who are you?" - Karen

"i work for modest management. i'll pay you 1 million dollars for some naughty pics of them both. i'd like to hire you to do this job" - unknown

"why do you want pics?" = Karen

"cause if i get pics i'll have proof that they are together. just get me the pics." = unknown

she hesitantly sends him a picture of Louis and Sara sleeping in each others arms.

"there you go" - Karen

"thank you. i will text you when i need a new picture" - unknown

she sighs

"can i at least know your name?" - Karen

"Just call me Dustin" -Dustin

Karen saves his name into contacts and she smiles some

"call me Karen lol" - Karen

"sounds good. talk soon Karen" - Dustin

Karen bites her lip and watches Louis and Sara sleep. she knows what she's doing is wrong. but she doesn't care.

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