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Sara smiles wide as she sees Liam, Harry, and Niall at the hospital. today's the day of her surgery. they each hug her and use sign language to reassure her that everything will be okay. she nods as they help her into her hospital bed. Louis kisses her gently and the nurses start prepping her for surgery. Louis texts her

"Everything will be okay. we'll all be here when you come back." - Louis

she nods and they kiss one last time. before she's pushed into surgery. Louis talks with Liam

"i can't wait. i'm finally gonna get to have a conversation with her" Louis says smiling

"we're so happy for you Louis" Liam says happily "and she'll get to hear concerts and such. after a while of course"

Louis nods and he reads a text from Briana Jungwirth his eyes widen realizing she's having the baby. he runs to the other end of the hospital and he runs into her room. he holds her hand. she pushes and screams from pain. 


"i wonder if the babies born yet" Niall says

Liam shrugs

"briana's sorta bitchy. i hope she doesn't keep Louis from the baby" Harry states

"true shit" Niall says

"i just hope she has it before Sara comes back from surgery. Louis is supposed to be here for her" Liam states

"if he isn't here she's gonna be so hurt" Harry states

they all nod in agreement and they see Sara being wheeled into recovery. they rush in and they smile sitting with her. as soon as her eyes flutter open she looks up at them.

"can you hear us?" Niall asks softly

she nods a little and speaks with a weak voice

"y-yeah but the bandages on my ears make it m-muffled" she says weakly

Niall nods. she looks around as much as she can and smiles some before looking at Liam

"w-where's L-Louis?" she asks shyly

he smiles and rubs her hand

"the girl that's pregnant with his child is in labour. so he's there." Liam says extremely soft

"o-oh" Sara says nodding sadly

out of the blue Louis walks in carefully with his newborn son. everybody looks at him as he smiles.

"Everybody meet Freddie Tomlinson" Louis whispers gently

Sara smiles a little and looks at Louis. he realizes she can hear and his face lights up. he takes Freddie back and sets him in his crib before running to Sara's side

"i'm so sorry i wasn't here Briana was giving birth and i wanna be a good daddy. i'm so sorry" Louis says

she smiles and kisses him soft and slow

"it's fine b-baby" she says still not used to speaking "you're voice is so adorable"

he blushes hard and smiles at her

"i love you" Louis says softly

"I love you too Louis" Sara says smiling wide

the boys tear up from joy as Louis and Sara continue to talk to each other. Louis holds her small hand in his as the doctor comes in

"Sara here's surgery went perfect. her hearing should be good in her left ear. her right one we didn't do anything with because she needs time to heal and gain her strength more" he explains

Sara nods softly

"thank y-you so m-much doctor" she says softly

"it's my job ma-am" he says smiling

the boys smile excitedly at her and she holds Louis' hand. as the doctor leaves Briana's mother walks in and starts cursing at louis

"you ignorant dumbass Briana just had your fucking child" she yells causing Sara's ear to hurt

he sighs and gets up and walks with the woman out into the hall. Sara holds Niall's hand as she gets worried. Niall kisses her forehead

"no worries. Briana's family won't hurt you. we'll never let that happen" Niall assures Sara

Sara nods softly and she cuddles him. she listens to his heart beat and she giggles

"i never heard a heartbeat before" she says softly

he chuckles quietly and nods

"everybody's got one as long as they're alive" he says

she nods

"i've felt them before when i touch louis' arm or ch-chest." she says softly

he nods and she yawns some whimpering cause it hurts her ear

"rest" Liam says gently "we'll be here i promise"

she nods and shuts her eyes falling into a peaceful sleep.

*** sorry it's so short! love y'all and hope you love the book! :) ***

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