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Sara wakes up to dead silence. Louis didn't come home. she yawns and she gets herself in her wheelchair. she struggles as she inches her way down the steps to the living room. she reads a text from Harry and sighs

"hope you had  a great night. Lou texted me saying he was so happy to be with you all night" - Harry

"he wasn't with me. he never came home" - Sara

"he lied to me? that's unlike Lou. i'll text him 'bout it. meanwhile want us to come over and help you with your morning routine?" -harry

"Nah. i can do it. thanks though" -Sara

she shuts off her phone and she goes to her bathroom and struggles to change her clothes and do her usual girly things. after she finally does it she hears her front door open and close. she wheels herself to the living room and she glares at Louis as he walks in.

"baby! what's wrong?" he asks

she glares

"you left me here all fucking night by myself. and you lied to the boys about it! i fucking called you 7 times and left you a lot of texts yet you couldn't text back and fucking say you weren't gonna be home?" so i had to just hope you'd come home? what the hell?!" Sara yells getting mad

Louis groans and glares

"i was spending time with my son! stop being so fucking needy all the damn time bitch!" he says

she gets more and more mad. she punches him in the privates and she pushes her wheelchair to the door opening it and she leaves without saying another word to him. as she wheels herself down the street tears flow down her cheeks. Sara gets to the house the boys rented and she knocks. Niall opens it and he shouts for Liam. soon they bring her and her wheelchair inside. she cries as Niall sets her on his lap

"shh what's wrong?" he asks soothingly

"I t-think Louis is cheating on me" Sara says brokenly "w-with Briana"

"why would you think that?" Harry asks

"he constantly smells like her. and when he came home this morning he called me a bitch" Sara says

the boys worry and rub her arms

"maybe it's just cause he was taking care of Freddie and her perfume rubbed off onto Freddies clothes" Harry assures her "Lou is nuts for you"

"m-maybe your right" Sara says

"and also he's sassy. that's his magical charm" Liam says trying to cheer her up

"true" she says smiling weakly 

"what'd you do when he called you a bitch?" Niall asks

"i punched him in the private parts" she says giggling 

the boys burst out laughing and soon she laughs right along with them. she turns on her phone and takes a deep breath calming down before she texts Louis.

"hey.." -Sara

"hey.." - Louis

"I'm so sorry princess." -Louis

"it's fine. i'm coming home. i'll see you in about half an hour" -Sara

"boys i'm going to go back and talk things out with Lou" Sara says softly

"k want me to take you?" Liam asks

"nah i wanna walk alone" Sara says

"okay oh and tell Lou we're invited to Zayn's album release party. and that i'mma drag him into it" Harry jokes

Sara laughs and nods before pushing her wheelchair outside. as she wheels herself home she notices a tall guy. she had seen pictures of him before. it's Zayn Malik from One Direction. Sara smiles

"Hi there i'm Sara. i'm Louis' girlfriend" Sara says

"Hey! i've heard so much about you!" Zayn says in his thick accent. 

she smiles and he chuckles handing her his phone

"write your number in it. and i really hope to see you at the party i'm having" he says

Sara smiles as she writes her number into it.

"i'm gonna get Lou to take me. i can't go alone cause of me being paralyzed" Sara says blushing

"well if you need help just call me" he says smiling

she nods and she hands him his phone before rushing home. she smiles as she gets there and she opens the door wheeling herself in

"Lou i'm home" Sara says smiling

her eyes widen when she smells food. she wheels herself in a little more and Louis walks in from the kitchen. dressed in a suit and tie. 

she smiles and blushes

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she smiles and blushes

"Baby what's all this?" Sara asks him as he shuts the door for her

"a little i'm sorry gift" Louis assures her

she blushes and nods

he kisses her. slow and soft. he picks her up and she squeals a tiny bit

"Lou careful" she giggles

"no worries i won't drop you" Louis assures her

he takes her to the kitchen  table and he sets her gently in her wooden chair at the table. he serves her some mashed potatoes, corn, steak, and gravy

"thank you baby. this looks so good" Sara says

he sits beside her and smiles kissing her softly

"i love you so much. and i promise i won't ever be late like that again" he says

 Sara smiles and nods. as they both start eating she notices his hand sliding up her thigh little by little. she smirks some and she kisses him hard. after a few minutes Louis picks her up and carries her to their bedroom.


Karen walks home from the grocery story with a bag of fruit in her hands. she sits down on a park bench to take a break as her high heels hurt her feet. she looks up as two men sit away from her by a tree. she can't help but know it's Harry. her eyes widen when she sees Harry kiss the guy and the guy kiss back. she takes a picture on her phone and she walks away as fast as she can bringing her groceries with her. she has no idea what that was all about. but it was weird

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