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Sara sighs as she gets home from her flight. she sets her keys on the counter and walks to her bedroom turning on her phone. she gladly texts Harry

"Hey Haz just wanted to tell you guys i made it home safely" - Sara

she smiles as Harry texts back

"I'm glad! i wish you could've stayed longer though :(" -Harry

"I know but i was homesick"  -Sara 

she lies to him. and it hurts to. she wants so bad to admit that her and Louis made love. but she can't find it in her heart to do it. she relaxes on her bed and she calmly falls asleep. 


Louis sighs as he listens to Danielle trash talking Sara.

"Why even talk to her? she's deaf" Danielle says

"so? she's a nice girl! nicer than you are!" Louis says angrily

Danielle slaps him across the face.

"shut the fuck up. she's not your girlfriend. i am. and if you hurt me i'll just tell the fans" she states

"ugg i wish i wasn't fucking with you" Louis snaps

he sighs and walks off to the bathroom and locks the door behind him. he tries to text Sara

"Sara can we talk?" - Louis

"Sara why aren't you answering?" -Louis

he texts harry

"Is Sara home yet?" - Louis

"Course she is. her and i are talking :) why?" -Harry

"No reason" - Louis

Louis continues to spam Sara. when she doesn't write back he gets upset.

"Fuck you!" - Louis

Louis goes off and ignores Dani as she continues to angrily talk to him and he shoves her against the wall and kisses her hard. Louis wants to forget about Sara. he doesn't need the stress.


Sara wakes up and yawns. she sees she has ten texts from Louis and she reads each one carefully

"Sara fucking write to me" -Louis

"Why are you ignoring me?" - Louis

"what the hell did i do wrong?" -Louis

she reads the rest. but the last one catches her eye the most

"Fuck you!" -Louis

tears form and fall down her cheeks. she blocks his number and she leaves her phone behind. she goes outside and starts to walk to a friend's house. so that she can calm down. as she starts to walk across the street she doesn't hear a car beeping for her to move. it hits her head on. and everything goes black.



Liam sighs as he texts Sara's phone like nuts. she hasn't written to him in hours. he looks over at Niall and harry as they spam her as well.

"anything?" Liam asks with a sad tone

"not a word" Harry says sadly

Louis walks in and looks at them confused

"what's wrong?" Louis asks

Niall looks at him

"Has Sara written to you?" Niall asks

"no. who needs the little slut. she and i fucked. that's why she left" Louis admits still mad at her "and then she never wrote me back. must be she got what she fucking wanted"

"Louis she hasn't written to any of us. and Sara wouldn't ditch like that" Harry defends her

"wait you both had sex??" Niall asks

"yeah." Louis says carelessly

then Liam's phone starts ringing. he answers it with trembling hands seeing it's Sara's number

"Hello? is this Liam Payne?" a woman's voice asks

"Yeah what's going on? where's Sara?" Liam asks getting scared

"i'm her friend Karen... she's been in an accident" Karen admits sounding like she's been crying

Liam puts her on speaker as tears flow

"can you say that again babe?" Liam asks as tears flow

"Sara was walking to my house and she was so upset about some stupid text a-and she didn't hear a car coming. it hit her hard. d-doctors said she lost use of her legs completely. s-she's gonna have to rely on people now for everything" Karen explains

the boys all tear up. Louis runs to the phone

"no your lying." he says "she has to be okay i love her!"

the boys look at him with sad eyes. he breaks down sobbing.

"I'm sorry. but she's gonna be awake soon. i need to go tell her" Karen says

she hangs up on the boys and Louis sobs brokenly.

"We need to go to her" Louis says sobbing

"what about tour?" Harry asks "the fans-"

"Screw them right now" Louis says crying "I need her"

they nod some and they see their manager walk in. he looks at them

"why the sad faces?" their manager asks

"we're stopping this tour early" Liam states "one of our best friends. Sara. she was hit by a car. she's never gonna walk again"

"oh well. and your not quitting this tour" their manager says "she's just a girl. move on you're with-"

"Nobody! i'm not with Danielle! if you want me to sing or do anything you'll need to let me go back to Sara. i love her." Louis states

their Manager's eyes widen some. the boys agree with Louis

"either we get to take care of her till after her ear surgery or no one direction" Niall states

liam and Harry both nod their heads. their manager sighs

"fine whatever. Louis can go for now." their manager says

they nod and Louis runs and gets some clothes pack. he ignores when Danielle gets confused

"we're threw bitch" he states

he runs out and rushes to the airport. they get him a private jet.

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