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Sara sighs as she wakes up a hour later to find the show is almost done. Liam takes her to her seat and she sits down. tears fall down her cheeks as she doesn't look at Louis or Zayn. Zayn moves away from her to another seat and Louis rubs her hand and whispers to her to comfort her

"it's okay. don't cry" he says gently

she takes her hand away from his and she rubs her arms. Liam comforts her and they watch the rest of the Brit awards. as it ends and they get up Zayn grabs her wrist

"we're going home" he says "we need to talk"

"we can talk here" she says hesitantly

he sighs and yanks her into the hall that leads to the bathroom.

"Sara what the fucking hell? why did you just turn down my proposal and run off?" he asks clearly frustrated

"Zayn i-i'm just not ready for that" Sara says "right now things are complicated"

"well I'll make it easy. either me or him. " Zayn states

Sara looks down as Zayn leaves. she uses her crutches and she walks to Liam. she hugs him and cries

"Liam i cant' do this" Sara says "i'm gonna go home. i can't face them"

Liam nods and she turns and sees Louis walking over. she gets a lump in her throat as he hugs her

"as long as your happy then that's all that'll matter to me. even if you aren't happy with me" Louis says softly

he walks away with Liam and Sara goes home. as she gets home she limps to the bathroom. she undoes her hair and she doesn't bother with her dress. she sits on the floor crying into her hands. she's so broken. so upset. Sara looks at her reflection and she calls harry not knowing who else to call.

"Hey Sara! how was the award show?" Harry asks

"H-Harry i messed up. a-and now i lost Zayn and i know i'll loose Louis too and i-i just don't know what to do.. Harry i'm scared" Sara admits as she cries softly

"Sara shh please don't do anything to yourself. please" Harry begs

Sara looks at her reflection and her voice cracks as she tries to speak

"i-i'm sorry. tell Louis i love him" Sara says

Sara hangs up on Harry and she stands up with her crutches. Sara reaches into the medicine box and she grabs all her pain meds for her hearing and legs. she opens the pain medication bottle and she swallows two pills and she feels her body getting numb. Sara goes to the kitchen and grabs a knife. tears fall down her cheeks. she had never hurt herself like this before. but this is so hard for her. Sara sits in the bathroom as she slides the knife across her skin. ignoring her phone as all of the boys text her and call trying to talk her out of it.


Harry drives fast towards Sara and Zayn's house. tears flowing down his cheeks. as he arrives Louis does as well. they both dart to the door.

"do you have the key?" Harry asks

Louis nods as he grabs the spare from under the mailbox. he rushes inside and straight to the bathroom. tears flow down his cheeks as he sees the bloody mess on the tile floor. he falls to his knees and holds onto Sara's hand as Harry calls 911

"Sara stay with me please" Louis says crying hard

"i'm s-sorry Louis" Sara says fading in and out of consciousness

Louis sobs holding her hand keeping her head on his lap

"I love you so much Sara. you're my everything" Louis says crying "stay with me. i need you"

Sara's eyes droop shut and he lightly shakes her. her eyes open a tiny bit and she looks around weakly. the ambulance arrives and Louis cries as they take her away to the hospital. Harry hugs him tight

"shh shh she's gonna be okay" Harry assures him

 Louis cries and Harry takes him fast to the hospital. everybody is there except for Zayn. Liam sighs talking to Niall as he holds Freddie

"Zayn sent her a break up text" Liam says "i saw it on his phone"

"that's cold" Niall says

"that c-c-cunt" Louis says as he cries

they all sit around the waiting room. completely impatient. hours go by and Louis paces back and fourth.

"Louis calm" Niall says softly

"i can't calm. i love her" Louis says shaking so much


Louis holds freddie as freddie sleeps in his arms. tears fall down his cheeks onto Freddies blanket.

"what's taking so long in that surgery room?" Louis asks the nurse

"it took them a while to get her ready and strong enough for the surgery. they're gonna be done any minute" the nurse explains

"i-is she gonna make it?" he asks as tears flow faster

"it's hard to say. the next 48 hours will show if she's gonna live or not" she explains

Louis nods and he holds Freddie closer

"deep breaths lou" Harry says soothingly

Harry's tears fall from worry and he sees Daniel. he runs to him and hugs him. Daniel holds him and lets him cry.

"Sara's family?" the nurse asks for

Louis, Liam, Niall, harry, and Daniel all stand up and the nurse can't help but giggle some

"she's in room 201" she says

the boys rush to room 201 and Louis' heart breaks seeing Sara in a hospital bed. bandages around her wrists. he sits beside her and gently holds her hand. rubbing her knuckles. 

"she's gonna be just fine" the doctor assures Louis

Louis nods and soon her eyes flutter open. Louis can't help but smile when she looks at him

"hi sweetheart" he says very softly

"L-Louis" she says gently "i l-love you so much"

he kisses her hand

"i love you too princess. shh save your voice. you're really weak right now. you attempted suicide" he explains

she nods and he kisses her hand more. Louis rubs her leg gently

"i r-remember a l-little.. Zayn left me didn't he?" Sara asks

"yeah he did" Louis says "but i'm not leaving you. your happiness is everything to me"

Sara sniffles

"Lou i'm sorry f-for putting you through this" she says weakly

"shh shh it's not your fault." he assures her gently

she sniffles and they kiss. softer than ever. yet somehow. it's the most romantic kiss either of them had ever felt. but Sara has a long road to recovery ahead of her.

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