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Sara smiles some as she texts Harry. she's been talking to him almost every day for a month. He and Niall and Liam sent her a V.I.P. ticket in the mail so she can join them on tour.

"The Private Jet will be there in an hour" -Harry

"okay :) i'm so nervous. i've never been that far from home before" -Sara

"You're gonna do great babe. safe flights :)" -Harry

Sara smiles and shuts off her phone. she finishes packing her things and she rushes to the private jet. she sits in a seat and rests her head on the back of the chair as she straps herself in. she has been waiting for the last week and a half to find out what the boys aren't telling her. she hasn't spoken to Louis since she started seeing all the stuff about him with Danielle. She knows that Harry and Liam both seem excited to show her the surprise.

"Miss can i get you some nuts?" a woman signs to Sara

Sara shakes her head and signs "i'm allergic"

the woman nods and Sara soon falls asleep curled up on her chair.


When Sara wakes up she sees that the plane is landing. she restraps herself in and she smiles excitedly as the plane lands.  she's extremely tired but she doesn't care. the second she can she unstraps herself and grabs her  carry on. as she steps off the private jet she looks around for the boys. she sees a man in a nice outfit holding a sign 'Sara'. she walks over and waves at him

"hi i'm Sara" Sara says

he nods and smiles writing on a notepad and handing it to her

"i'm one direction's limo driver. come with me and i'll take you to their arena show" - Driver

she nods and they get to the limo. he helps her in and sets her bags in with her. she sits there in silence looking at her surroundings. she's never been in a limo before. she's so happy. she sees the limo stop at the arena and she thanks the driver as he opens the door for her. she grabs her stuff and she sees a body guard come over. he smiles at her and signs that he's gonna take her back stage. she nods and she follows him through the back door. as she walks in she starts getting shy. then she sees Harry and Niall. she knows them from their pictures. she runs over and hugs them. they both embrace her and quickly sign to her "You're here!!"

"yep i am" she says smiling

they nod eagerly and they sit her down. Liam hands her some tea and then she sees Louis walk in with Danielle. it makes her heart hurt seeing them. she does her best to ignore them and she smiles at Harry

Harry writes on a piece of paper for her to read "wanna find out what your surprise is?"

"course i do!" she says 

she notices Danielle looking at her and talking to louis. she knows hse's talking bad about her just from the look on her face. she continues to read what Harry and Niall write

Niall writes excitedly "we're paying for you to get sound in your ears. they said that they can set it up in your hometown next month. we have the money for the surgery. then you'll be able to hear!!"

Sara immediately tears up from joy reading it. she jumps into their embrace and hugs them tight crying from joy. she's gonna be able to hear in just a month. once she hugs the three boys she looks over at Louis. she speaks as best as she can for being deaf 

"Hi Louis" she says

he waves awkwardly and she takes the time to glance at Danielle. Danielle's face is covered in rude remarks. Niall rubs her arm and takes her back to their hotel rooms. as she sets her stuff in her hotel room he uses a chalk board in the room to talk to her

"are you okay?" --Niall

she sighs and shakes her head 

"I'm not sure. N-Niall i think Dani doesn't like me" Sara struggles to say

Niall nods and holds her. he lays down on the bed with her and soon she falls asleep in his arms. feeling his hands play with her hair soothingly.

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