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Sara comes home from a walk in the park and she giggles happily. she really is starting to fall for Louis. 

"hey bb girl" - Louis

"Hi boo bear. what're you up to?" - Sara

"Nothing. just busy with work. and you?" - Louis

"About to go on twitter and chat with friends lol" -Sara

"Oh" -Louis

"Why what's wrong?" - Sara

"Nothing. have fun babe." - Louis

Sara gets confused but simply shrugs it off. she turns on her twitter and she looks at the top trending topics. one catches her eye almost instantly. the title is 'Louis and Danielle'. Sara gets confused and clicks it. multiple videos show up of Louis walking and holding hands with her. Sara's eyes fill up with tears. she wipes them away and  thinks to herself "Stop crying. he's a dumb fuckboy. you've never even met him". Sara pulls herself together when she sees a text from Liam.

"Hey Sara!!! how're you? :)" - Liam

"I'm Fine" -Sara

she rests her head on the couch. feeling so sad.

"Love skype me. i know a little sign language and what i don't know i'll just write" -Liam

she hesitantly downloads skype and creates an account.

"KK my account name is SaraS" - Sara

soon he requests to video chat. she turns on the video chat Liam waves at her and does the sign for 'what's wrong'. 

she signs back 'Liam i have a crush on Louis. and he's with Danielle.'

'It's modest management. they're forcing him to do it.' Liam signs

Sara sniffles as her tears flow.he signs more

'get some rest babe. i'll keep skype up till your asleep' he signs

she nods and rests her head on the couch pillow. her eyes droop shut and she falls asleep peacefully.


Liam watches her as she soon snores. Louis watches Liam not knowing what he's doing. as Liam shuts the lid of his laptop he looks at Louis

"Mate Sara's miserable" Liam says sadly "she really likes you"

"I really like her" Louis admits "uggg this is no fair i wanna be with her i wanna kiss her and hold her and comfort her."

"We'll figure something out" Liam says kindly to Louis

Louis nods sadly and lays there on the tour bus couch.

"I think i love her" Louis mumbles "but i shouldn't. i haven't even met her yet!"

"mate things will get better. i promise" Liam says

Louis sighs and nods

"Someday i'm gonna meet her" Louis states "and i'm gonna tell her i love her"

Louis blushes when Liam coos.

"shut up" Louis says with a chuckle "Lets go"

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