Alex's POV

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Chapter Twenty

Jack burst through the door, jumping up and down excitedly. “We’re going to Lebanon !” I sat up, “What ?! You’re leaving me ?” He stopped and motioned at me, “No, WE’RE going to Lebanon ! Together Lexy !” I got up and started jumping with him. “Okay, so we’re leaving in two days.  My mom cleared it with your mom, it’s gonna be both our moms and you and I,” Jack told me. I grabbed him and pulled him to my lips, grateful to be getting away with him.

Two days later, I sat on the plane trying to comfort Jack. “I hate flying,” he grumbled. “Always have, always will.” The plane bumped a little, and he buried his face in my shoulder, “Oh God, we’re gonna die.” I giggled, “We’re not gonna die Jacky !” I made it my mission to distract him for the rest of the ride, and soon enough, the plane touched down.

We were staying at Jack’s grandparents, a pretty big house on the ocean. When we first arrived, his grandpa pinched my cheeks and his grandma slapped my ass. Now I understand why Jack is the way he is.

I desperately wanted to go swimming, but I couldn’t, for fear of my mom seeing my bandages. I told Jack, and he just kind of shrugged it off and made me follow him to the edge of the ocean anyway. I stood there, looking out over the horizon, trying to shake off the hurt of Jack’s rejection when I was shoved forward into the water- Jack had tackled me.

And then I understood. He had purposely pushed me in so I would have an excuse to go swimming with clothes on.


That night, Jack took me out on the town to show me all his favorite places. We ended the journey at a small coffee shop, where the owner spoke rapidly to Jack in Lebanese. Jack got our order and then steered me to a table by the window, snickering. “What ?” I asked him, afraid the guy had been making fun of me. “He thinks you’re hot !” Jack huffed another laugh. “Are you saying I’m not hot ?” I challenged, although my voice came out sounding wounded. “You aren’t.” He replied.

“You’re perfect.”

Jack grinned, “Wow, that sounded exactly like something out of a chick-flick.”

I stuck my tongue out at him, and he smeared whipped cream onto my nose. I smeared some onto his lips, and then proceeded to take it off again- with my mouth. The guy behind the counter let out a holler, and the whole café started clapping. Lebanon is weird.

On our first full day of vacation, Jack told me he had a surprise for me in the evening. Around six o’clock, he brought me back to the same café. He led me over to a small platform, and handed me my guitar. “How did you..?” He silenced me, then handed me a microphone. “Sing, Alex.”

“Excuse me ?” I choked out. The café was filling with people, and he expected me to perform in front of all of them ? “Jack ?!” Jack emerged from behind me, with his own guitar. “Relax babe, I’m not making you do this alone.” “You don’t even know what I’m going to play !” I argued. “You start out, and I’ll follow,” He suggested rationally. I turned to face the crowd, weighing my options. Half of the people here probably didn’t even speak English, I reasoned. So, what the hell.

I cleared my throat, then turned to Jack, who nodded at me to continue.

“Make it a sweet, sweet goodbye…it could be for the last time and it’s not right…”

I started off shaky, but got more into it when Jack started up with his guitar. Soon, I was full on pretending that I was singing to thousands of people on a real stage.

The first song ended, and when I saw my mom in the crowd, I took the plunge and started up the next song-

“My ship went down, in a sea of sound…”

At the end of Therapy, I was too emotionally drained for another song. I got off the stage and went right to my mom. She hugged me tightly, telling me how proud she was of me. Her and Joyce were both crying, and I was surprised I wasn’t. That’s for you Tom, I thought.

Later that night, Jack and I were out on the balcony when I got an insane idea. “Jack, we should start a band !” “What ? A two person band ?” He sounded confused. “No, you, me…and Rian and Zack ! Rian can play drums...” Jack jumped up, “Zack can play guitar !!” He high-fived me, “Let’s do this !”

I started a list of possible band names, and then handed it off to Jack so he could pick. A few minutes of scrutiny later, he handed it back to me with one name circled.

“All Time Low.”

**Happy 20th chapter ! By the way, I found out what REALLY happened to Alex's brother, so if you wanna know, message me or whatever

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