Chapter 41

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With classes wrapping up that very day for Christmas break, Becky practically floated on her way home from the University. Happily, kicking at the recently fallen snow, she was caught off guard by a snowball to the back of her head.

"What the?"

"Ah-ha! Got you," Keegan laughed, catching up to her from behind.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice of you," Becky said, wiping the snow away from her hair.

"Oh, come on," he chuckled, helping to dust off the remainder of the snow before it melted and slid down the back of her neck. "Where's your sense of humour?"

"Get off!" she said, swatting him, suppressing a giggle at his look of indignation. Keegan was a strange one, to say the least. They were both still trying to figure each other out. He usually avoided her, but that was mostly because he was afraid he might say the wrong thing which usually resulted with Kell's fist connecting with his face. But every now and then when Kell was nowhere in sight, he'd let his guard down.

Keegan, fancied himself quite the ladies man, if only in his own mind. Slighter in structure and standing at five-eleven, he wasn't as imposing as the other three Goths in Becky's life, yet to her, he was still a force to be reckoned with, especially when he thought nothing of tackling her into a nearby snow bank.

"There now, what do you think of that, girlie?" he laughed, rolling around so that he absorbed the impact of the fall.

"I think you're impossible!" she half-shouted, attempting to right herself.

"Haha, not so fast!" he said, grabbing her wrists and shaking her fistful of snow from her hand, laughing when she frustratingly attempted to shove it down the front of his jacket.

Becky didn't know whether to laugh along or cry at Keegan's steely grip on her body. The problem was, he never quite knew when to quit. Taking what snow she had left on her mitten, he turned it and playfully smacked it against her own face.

"Keegan!" she cried out indignantly.

"Oh... stop," he said with a rueful pout, flashing her a goofy grin. "Hey, you're the one on top." He flippantly pointed out with a playful buck of his hips.

Frustrated, Becky reactively bent his fingers back on his right hand. "Shit, Becky... ah stop!" he cried out, while laughing at the ire in her eyes.

"Say uncle!" she said, staring him down.

"Becky, please... I'll never play guitar again if you don't let go."

"You should have thought of that before you attacked me," she said with a mocking smile, knowing full well that he was loving this.

So absorbed in their melee in the snow, they both startled when suddenly a car pulled up by the sidewalk behind them. There were three of them. Three very large guys with baseball caps came barreling towards them with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Shit, I'm fucked..." Keegan gasped, realizing that they were coming at him like heat seeking missiles. Before he could manoeuvre Becky out of the way, one of the Neanderthals had her up in the air, flailing away from him.

"Fucking freak!" said the one that jumped on him first.

"Hey... no, stop this! Let me go!" Becky shouted, kicking and fighting at the large oaf that held her. "What are you doing?" Twisting around him, she watched in horror as the other two punched and kicked at Keegan.

"Helping you!" he shouted back, confused. "The freak was attacking you!"

"No... stop!" she cried out, fighting to free herself. "He's my friend! My housemate. We were just messing around!"

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