Chapter Three

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I get up and go down stairs, i walk outside and go for a walk. I went to the park, i sat on a bench, the sun was setting, i got up and went back home. I was half way there, when Jeff walked up to me

" Hey Nikki," he said

" Hi Jeff... How can you find me so fast?" I was a little curious about that he seemed to know where i was every step that i took.

" Your just easy to spot."

" Good to know, again thanks for helping me with that guy." I look down at my feet

" its no big deal."

" i gotta go, bye" i said looking up,my heart seemed to pump a little bit faster.

"bye..." i walked to my house not sure what i was feeling just yet. What WAS i feeling? I saw that is was now 6:00 pm. I go up to my room and watch another movie before going to bed, i did have school in the morning. I dont like school.

When i awoke, i could smell fresh muffins. I walk down stairs to see my mom had made chocolate chip muffins! Thank you, i say in my head. I go up stairs to do my hair and makeup, i pick out some shorts and a random shirt from my closet. When i got to school i was greeted by Emily and her brother. They were sitting waiting for me, thank god i have friends like them. We walk in and it was at lunch when Tessa walked up to me, she hated me and would do anything for me to be miserable.

" hi Nikki, hows your family?" she chuckled

" Fine, go away."

" What about your sister?" she smiled an evil grin

" Don't dare talk about my sister!" i nearly yell at her i felt like crying, i just held it back

" oh, get over it, she was just as pathetic as you anyways."

" No she wasn't, she was the strongest little girl i knew and loved!"

" oh well, you fucking emo." she pushed me against the wall, holding down my wrists so i couldn't get away, she started punching me. I didn't resist, it was normal by now, why does everyone i meet, hate me?

"Why don't you fight back! Loser!" I use my leg to trip her and i run off to the bathroom, my lip was bleeding and swollen, i had a bruise on my left cheek other than that i was fine. I went to my locker and put some makeup on the bruise so it looked normal at least. I grabbed my things for next period and headed to class. I was going to art one of my favorite classes. There, was where i felt like i could just relax. Today we were painting our pots that we made last week. I painted the outside blue and the inside red. It felt like it wasn't finished, so i signed my sisters name on the outside. Taylor, it said in fancy writing. I miss her so much, who would have killed her? I brush away my sadness. The end of the day came faster the more i thought about different things. I didn't want to go home yet, i just walked to the park instead. I sat under a tree, a Cherrie tree to be exact. I pulled a book out of my back pack, it was called, The Princess Bride. Its an old book but a nice one, childish too. Oh well, i had been there awhile when i saw this little girl, she was so cute. She seemed to be crying, i walked over to her.

" hi sweetie, why are you crying?" she looked at me

" oh, i bumped my head. Im fine, do you want to play with my friend Ben and i?"

" i would love to, whats your name?"

" Sally, and over there is Ben." the little boy was turned around, he seemed to be dressed as Link from the Legend of Zelda. Sally was in a cute little dress. She holds my hand and brings me toward the forest, Ben following. We went farther, and farther away from home. When we stopped she said

" ok we are going to play hide and seek, you hide me and Ben will find you, you DON'T want us to find you." she smiled and started counting. I ran into a bush, i had a bad feeling about this. She reached ten, no more than like 3 seconds she and Ben were next to me she said

" found you."

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