Chapter Twenty Four

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I got up kinda early this morning. Due to the fact that i had to throw up, after that i took a shower and got dressed for school. Today i should tell my friends about the baby. I wonder if its a boy or a girl. I went to the kitchen and made breakfast, Sally came in soon enough. I gave her a plate. I sat next to her as we ate at the table. After i cleaned up, then i headed out for school. When i got there Emily was waiting there for me just like she used to.

" Hey Em!"

" Hey Nikki! How are you?"

" Um, ok i guess. I have to tell you something."

" Ok... Wait a minute are you?"

" Pregnant, yes."

" WAIT what. That wasnt what i was going to say! I was going to ask if you were sick! But, hey congrats! Is it a boy or girl?"

" Um, i dont know yet..." she seems happy about it.

We then went to class, the day was boring. I was thinking of baby names, yes it might be a little early but oh well. If its a girl, the names were, Izzy and Sarah, I came up with one boy name, and it was Charlie. Im not very good with names but im sure my baby will be named something else than what i came up with.

When the end of the school day came, i couldnt be happier. I went home, Sally was watching My Little Ponies, i wasnt sure were Jeff was.

" Hey Sally, how are you."

" Hey, im good."

" Wheres Jeff?"

" He went to Slendys house."

" Thanks."

I go to my bedroom and get in my pjs. It was finally the weekend! I hear the door open and close, i assume it was Jeff. I walk into the living room and sit down next to Sally, im not a big fan of My Little Pony, but i have nothing else to do. I notice Jeff walk out of the kitchen.

" Hey Jeff." i say

" Hey." he says, he seems a little, strange... Ok what did Slendy say!? I ignore it for now, my bloodlust is growing, i guess that this weekend me and Jeff will go hunting. I went to sleep early that night.

The next day, i told Jeff about how i wanted to go hunting. Sure enough that night he took me, Sally went with us. Jeff and I did i think two houses. The rest of the Weekend was kinda boring. Nothing really happened.


One last annoying week of school later


School. Was. Finally. Over.

I dont have to go back to that horrible place ever again. Well scratch that, my baby will someday. I was not in the mood to think about that yet.


Two months later


Slendy called us over so he can check on the baby, everyone is placing bets on if its a girl or boy.

Sally- girl

Jeff- girl

Ben- boy

Jack- boy

Emily- girl

Danielle- boy

I honestly dont care, but im sure its a girl. Only Slendy can tell us. We walk up to the big mansion, Slendy takes me and Jeff to a different room. I ask him about if its a boy or girl

" Well, by what i can tell its a..."


Oh cliffhangers. Well, last chance to vote, is it a boy or girl!? So far girls are in the lead! We will just see what happens!


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