Chapter Four

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Jeff pov

I saw Nikki at the park an hour ago, she was reading. I snuck past her and ran to the forest to check on Sally. She hated when i was gone too long. When i reached the mansion, i saw Jack on the couch playing video games.

" hey Jack seen Sally anywhere?"

" oh hey Jeff, she and Ben went to the Park to get a kill." Crap Nikki was at the park

" okay see ya later Jack."

I ran back, just to see Nikki wan't there. Crap, i then saw the back of Ben heading into the forest. I followed Ben and Sally until they stopped i needed to be sure it was Nikki they had, she could have gone home. They start counting and i see none other than Nikki run over into a bush. Just great, Ben and Sally finished counting and found Nikki almost 3 seconds after. I ran out of my hiding spot to see Sally holding her down and Ben with a small knife to her throat.

" Sally, Ben, go home!" i said they got up

" You're no fun Jeff." Ben yelled before disappearing into the forest. I turn to Nikki who was now on her knees crying. I walked over to her, she seemed so sad and scared of what just happened. There was a small cut on her neck from Ben holding the knife there.

" Its ok Nikki, you're ok." i say trying to calm her down

"i-i know, just sc-scared." she says shaking

" come on lets get you home." i say standing up, she follows me out of the forest. I walk her home and watch as she goes inside. I walk away, i go back to the park to see Sally and Ben there again. Sally walks up to me.

" Jeff what was that all about, we almost had her!" she complains

" ugh, i don't know what got into me I've just been feeling weird, ok."

" Jeff, you like her don't you? Oh Jeff's got a crush." she laughs, was that what i felt for her?

" Maybe. This is new for me ok? Give me a break."

" well see you when we get home." Ben says i run off toward the house, i look back to see Sally was already talking to another person. I smile, she is good at getting attention. I walk in the house and sit next to Jack and watch him play his games. Its only after an hour when i leave him and go to my room. I still had the picture of Nikki's sister, where did i know her from? I get up and go to Slendy's room. I knock,

" Slendy can i look at the files?" he comes to the door and hands me a kinda thick file.

" return them when done, don't be long." i nod and run to my room spreading out the pictures of all my victims. When i see her, i killed Nikki's sister. I'm ashamed of myself, i put everything back in the file and return it to Slendy. I couldn't tell Nikki i killed her sister. I guess this would be my little secret. I sigh as i go to my room, The Feeling is hitting me hard, i grab my hoodie and head out. I stop when i come across a house, i climb in through the window there was a baby in a crib. I spare her, i don't kill babies. I go to the next room to see a couple in bed. I go to the man first, i cover his mouth and grab my knife, holding it to his neck. He woke up to see me, i whisper in his ear

" Go To Sleep." i then cut his throat, i walk over to the lady she had awaken to the small cry of her baby in the next room. I held her down

" please let me go, i'll do anything." she cried, i whisper in her ear

" i want you to Go To Sleep." i say before stabbing her in the chest 5 times. I swipe some blood on my fingers and write on the wall


I then left the cops would be there soon. I walk back home.

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