Chapter Twelve

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Me and Jeff sat on my bed.

" how did you know i was in trouble?" i ask Jeff

" you said you never wanted to SEE me again, that didn't stop me from seeing you. I followed you, and saw him attack you."

" well, thanks for the help." its at that moment when i start feeling a sharp pain in my shoulder, i cringe. He walks me to the bathroom and helps me clean the wound on my shoulder, where i had been stabbed. He then helped me wrap it. We went back to my room.

" uh, Nikki, do you want to come meet my family?" he asks

" Ya, when?"

" tomorrow, after you get out of school?"

" that works." I'm happy that I'll be meeting them, i hope they like me.

" I'll go tell them about you coming over, see you tomorrow."

" bye." i say, he leaves. I then go downstairs, i needed a snack, i get a banana. I then go back upstairs, Hope was hungery too. I feed her and change her diper. Then i put her in the swing and put it on slow. I get back to different matters like homework. I have science, math, and English.

I spend hours on my homework. My eyes are burning, and my brain hurts. I need to listen to the news so i just turn on the radio. They report the murder of Tessa's brother. I turn it off, i pick up Hope and put her in bed, then i go to bed for the night. I awake at 2:00 am, Hope was lonely. I play with her for an hour and we both go back to bed. I wake up at 5:00 am this time, i go to my closet and look for something nice to wear. I pick out a short grey dress and black legging. I go to the bathroom and do my makeup. I brush out my hair and leave it curly. I wanted to look nice for Jeff's family. I take a look at the weather, its going to rain today. So i then grab a black coat. I hear a knock at the door, it was the babysitter. I told her Hope is still asleep, i went to the kitchen and made some breakfast. I made her some too. I made my lunch, grabbed my backpack, and went to school. I didn't feel like walking, so i take my car today. I have enough gas to get to the gas station. Once I'm filled up on gas i head to school. I go strait to my locker, and guess who comes up to me? Tessa. Her eyes full of tears.

" How did you live!" its a good thing i was early. Nobody was here

" What do you mean?"

" I was there! I was watching, i wanted to help my brother but i would die too. That freak guy carried you away! You should have died!"

" But Im here, right. And remember, i was knocked out so, how was i to know?" she walks away, clearly irritated. I grab my books and head to class.

The day went on forever! I was grateful that the day ended quickly and that i had no homework. I didn't know where to meet Jeff, so i stayed at school. I put a couple things in my locker before going outside. I wait in my car until i see Jeff at my window. I unlock the car and start it.

" Go to the forest, near where you were yesterday." so he lives nearby.

" Ok." i drive there. I turn off the car and get out.

" Follow me." he walks into the forest, what?

" Ok."

We were walking for awhile, when i spot a mansion. What? This was never told of. By anyone. As i get closer i notice that little girl from the park, Sally i think. She walks up to me and smiles. She was truly adorable.

" Hi, I'm Sally!" she says " Im sorry for almost killing you..."

" Its ok." I smile, Jeff leads me inside. That little kid that was with Sally, is sitting on the couch. Next to. THAT GUY! The one that broke into my house! Im still weary of him. I just wave to them as Jeff leads me to the kitchen. I hear a static in my head, it stops as soon as Jeff says.

" Quit it Slendy." a very tall man stands before me. Its not exactly a man, a thing, he doesn't have a face. Im not really fazed by it, its just unexpected. I wave, he waves back. Jeff brings me upstairs, to i think his room. Its cleaner than i expected. We talk about random things for awhile, until he asks

" want to come to the nearby river? It beautiful there."

" Sure." i reply he takes me out of the house and to the river. He was right it is beautiful there. Everything was fine until we heard someone giggle behind us.


Hey there, i just got 101 reads. Thats some good news. I would like you guys to vote, comment, and follow me! :D


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