Chapter Five

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Nikki pov

Its been a week since i saw Jeff at the park, i wanted to ask him something that has been itching at me. I look down at my hands again, the bright little baby beamed back at me. She was so cute and reminded me of my sister. My parents adopted a new little sister, she was 2 weeks old now. When she was found at the crime scene of a murder, she was left with no family, so my parents adopted her. I assumed that Jeff killed her birth parents. I rub my hand over her head, stroking the tiny blonde hairs on her head. She looked nothing like me or my family, but i loved her. She only opened her eyes once and they were a sparkling blue, so beautiful. I wish she could stay like this forever. I knew she wouldn't though. She had fallen asleep by now, i carried her to the new crib in my room. I was on baby duty, i gathered some pajamas and went to the bathroom. I needed a shower, i had taken off all my clothes. I look in the mirror, how can Jeff like me even one bit? I just got in the shower, and wash my hair. When i finished i got in my pajamas and went back to my room, the baby still sound asleep. She had a name before she got here, her birth parents named her, Hope. It was a beautiful name and it suited her well. I hear a knock on my window, i turn to see Jeff, i let him in and he literally, stops all systems and just stares at the crib. Like where the hell did you get a kid. He comes to his senses and speaks up.

" Uh... Why the heck is there a crib in here?" He was uneasy about it

" Well my parents adopted and i have a new sister named Hope. Im the one taking care of her until she can start daycare. So I've got like 5 years, of corse i cant quit school for my last year ... Im ranting aren't I?" I could tell i was

" yup, but its nice that you have a new sister, thats great." he seemed happy at least, he walked over to her and his eyes widened

" She was found at a crime scene, her parents were murdered... Was it you?" I was sure it was yes, he sighed

" Ugh, yes..." He looked suprized that My parents adoped her

" Im kinda glad you did then i wouldn't have a new sister." I smile at him, i then hug him, he was a little tensed up but loosened up a bit.

The baby then woke up and started crying, she was hungry, i made a bottle and fed her. I loved her so much.

" Ive got to go bye."

" Bye" He then jumped out my window. I felt a weird feeling like i was being watched, i ignored it, I the heard a crash come from down stairs. My parents wouldn't be home for awhile, so what was that? I set Hope in her crib to go investigate, i wish i didn't.


Hey, please follow me and vote and comment and stuff. And sorry for the cliff hanger. I wan in a hurry to get this finished, i can be so lazy.


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