Chapter 1

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You wake up to the pounding of your alarm.

"What.The.Fuck." You say as you abuse your alarm clock. You finally stop the noise and force yourself out of bed.

"Another day of school" you mumble. You get dressed and pour yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal. Your mom comes downstairs and kisses you on the forehead.

"Have a good day at school sweetheart."

You groaned. "Can I just stay home?"

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "No." She said while walking out the door.

You finished your cereal and headed for school. You got there and walked to your first class. You waited for the bell to ring, seconds later your teacher spoke.

"Eyes to the front please." You snapped your head up and saw an unfamiliar boy, curly hair, tall, decorated with tattoos and piercings. He noticed you and winked at you.


You huffed.

"Everyone, this is Harry." Your teacher spoke. "I want everyone to make him feel welcomed. "

Harry came and sat next to you. "Well aren't you cute." He said smirking.

"Not interested." You spat.

"Not yet." He said with his hand on your thigh.

"Not ever." You stated as the bell rung. Finally it was lunch time, your favorite time of the day. You always sat with your best friend, Liam.

"Y/N!" He shouted excitedly. You giggled as he spun you around.

"Hey Liam." You both got your lunch and sat at your normal table in the back. You were enjoying lunch until he called Harry over there.

"Shit." You groaned.

Harry strolled over with that stupid smirk.

"We'll look who we have here." He winked.

You snapped at him. "Cut the shit Harry!"

Liam looked at you both. "Uhh... Okay." Liam turned to Harry. "Harry! How's it been man? I haven't seen you in forever!"

Harry took his eyes off you to answer. "You know me ma, always in some trouble."

You rolled your eyes. "Cute." You spat out.

Finally, the day was over. You quickly rushed to your locker and grabbed some things and headed home. As you were walking, you heard blasting music. You just ignored it and kept walking. The car neared you and you jumped as a voice called out to you.

"Need a ride, love?"

You looked over and laughed. "You don't even know my name and you're offering me a ride?"

He stopped the car. "What's your name, baby?" The decorated boy asked.


He smiled. "Y/N what?' He smirked.

You stopped walking. "None of your god damned business."

His face turned serious. "You've got a smart mouth, love." He said waking towards you.

You backed up. "Touch me and I'll scream rape!"

He laughed and got back into his car. "Bye Y/N." He winked as he drove off, leaving you stunned.

// Blackmail // (AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang