chapter 4: "Can I get A Hello Kiss?"

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Chapter 4: "Can I get a Hello Kiss?" 

I layed in my bed, staring at the ceiling blankly. Memories and thoughts replayed in my head over and over and over again. 

'He still cares." I thought. Then "He just wants to hurt you again"   

"But what if he still love me?'   By this time i was having a argument with myself in my head. 

"No, he replaced you." Half of my brain said.

'There's still hope." The other half said.  It was giving me a headache. He just wants to be friends again. That's all. We're not Starting over to get our relationship back. Just our friendship... and I don't know if i'm sad or happy for that. 

I could have Austin. But not in a romantic way. 

Something tells me he's not all into his girlfriend, Cameron. He just doesn't look at her in...That way. More of a don't-even-touch-me way

Suddenly there's a tap at my window. I figured it was just a tree branch hitting. Then seconds later there was another tap, freaking me out. 

I wrapped myself in my blankets and covered my head like a little kid does when they don't want 'monsters' to get them or when they're scared of a scary part of a horror movie. 


And there it was again. 


3 times.


Okay, now this is just annoying. I get up and go towards the noise. Another tap helped me find it.

The Window. 

I walked over to the window just in time for another tap. The tapping was coming from a rock that someone kept throwing lightly. It reminded me of one of those sappy movies where the guy is trying to get the girl back or their not allowed to be together and he sneaks to her house at night and throws a rock to get her attention. 

Another tap brings me back to reality and I open the window slowly, letting the cool breeze of the night fill the room. My eyes go directly to the yard where Austin's standing getting ready to throw another. 

I realized the rock would hit me and opened my mouth the speak but it was too late. "Austin-" I say, but was immediately cut off by a rock flying in the air and hitting me directly in face. 

It hurt. No that's an understatement. It hurt like hell! Pain doesn't even describe it!

"Are you okay?" Austin whispers, feeling where he hit me with the rock, I winced from the pain and felt the urge to yell 'IT FUC*ING HURTS!' but I didn't.  He stands up and puts a hand out for me to grab. I reach out mine and grab his and he pulls me up, easily. "Let me look, to make sure it's Okay." He says genuinely concerned about me. He puts an arm around my waist and walks me over to my bed, as if I broke my leg or something. 

I sit down front of him and he turns the lamp on. He neals down in front of my and inspects the mark the rock left just above my right eye. "It's bleeding." He says softly. He walks into the bathroom and brings out a wetted towel and sits back down in front of me. He leans in closer to my face and starts dabbing the cut. The whole time he doesn't take his eyes off mine, which was a little uncomfortable for me. 

He tries to pull the "You got something... right... there."  He says leaning in. I start to panic a little as his lips practically touch mine.  I backed up on the bed a little trying to get distance between our faces. That doesn't exactly stop him, he just keeps leaning. 

I move off the bed before he reaches my lips. "Be careful!" He says, knowing how clumsy I can be.

"I'm fine!" I say right before I stumble over something on the floor and fall down.

'Smooth. Real smooth, Dawson!' I think. 

He walks over and helps me up again and I stumble to his chest. Our faces were only centimeters away. We could feel the warmth of each others breath hit our face. Austin took this time to try and kiss me again.  "Can i get a hello kiss?" He asks but I think we all know, no matter what he would. 

I backed up 'til I almost hit the wall. "Austin." I say, getting his attention. He stops leaning in and looks at me, waiting for me to continue. "No." Is all I say. 

"Oh come on!" He complains. 

"No Austin! Havn't you learned anything from last time you kissed me when you were with Kira?" I say, reminding him of the day he found out his feelings for me but was still with Kira and had to break up with her. 

"I guess so." He says and lets out a sigh. "It's because of Cameron isn't it?" 

"Yes." I answer. 

"And Dez." He says with a slight bitter tone. He doesn't hate Dez, their best friends it's impossible for them to hate each other. Well not exactly impossible. But Austin was just a jealous of Dez because he thought We were actually dating. 

"Y-Yes." I repeat with a stutter. "I'm sorry, Austin. I just think... Maybe our time as a couple is done." I say and instantly regret it. Something about how... sad, he looked told me he didn''t like that. Before I could stop myself I added. "For good." causing him to look up at me to see if I was being serious. 

"But, Ally!" He says weakly. 

"Austin, I think it's best if you go home. It's getting late." I say and he gets up and walks over to the window. He glances at me sadly and climbs down the window and leaves.  Why did I ruin our last hope of ever being together?


Austin's POV

Does she really feel that way? She doesn't want me anymore... she practically said it herself! 

'Nice job, Austin! You lost the one girl who means more than anything to you!' I thought.

Thinks were going so well. I was helping her with the cut above her eye from the rock. getting lost in those dark brown eyes... and by then I couldn't help myself, I had to kiss her! Both tries failed. And when she told me our time as a couple was over for good...

My heart shattered to pieces. Cliche... sappy.. what ever other word you can think of, yes. But it's true. When that one person you have your heart set on to spend the rest of you life with, rejects you. It hurts. It hurts more than that rock hitting Ally in the head.

I just wanted to be with her forever But so many things are getting in the way. 

From here on out, I'll get rid of these issues! We'll be together! 

'Watchout, Ally Dawson because Here comes forever!'


A/N: Yay.. the new chapters up! Again, sorry for that long wait for the update! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Haha, did you see what I did there with the last line? Yeah... it's not that funny... I just thought i'd be Ironic (I think that's the word I'm looking for.. right? I don't know..)

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