Chapter 5: An old but new feeling

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Chapter 5: An old but, new feeling 

Ally's POV

 "I think a hello kiss, after not seeing each other for '2 years would be more like..." Austin says leaning towards me. I bet you're wondering 'Ally, why aren't you leaning too? Don't you love him?"  Yes, I do love him. Why am I not leaning? Simply out of shock! 

"Shock?" You say. "You've kissed Austin many times! And you say you're shocked? He nearly kissed you last night, TWICE, and you're in SHOCK?" 

You don't understand, It's not my first instinct to lean in right now. He just broke up with his girlfriend for me, yes! But it's been a while since we've kissed and I need to get back into the habit! It just shocked me a little. And, Yes I did have a little warning, but this is more special than you think! I haven't seen him in years and we have more chance than ever of getting back together!

Our lips meet in probably the best kiss i've ever had- Except the first with Austin. That was definitely the best!- My arms went around Austins neck, pulling him closer. His hands were on my waist. It gave me this warm feeling I haven't felt in forever and was glad to have back. I didn't want to let go, but I knew I had to soon. The moment was the most perfect one ever.. that was until Dez walked in and ruined it. 

"Ally, You're cheating on me?!" Dez says, as if we were actually dating. That's the thing about Dez! He takes things pretty seriously like this sometimes! And what do you get? A ruined moment with the guy you're in love with! 

The minute Dez started talking, Austin pulled away faster than I wanted! He stared at me with a scared expression, thinking he hurt his friendship with his best friend by kissing me, which was totally wrong seeing how Dez and I were just a lie from the start! 

Right about now I just wanted to tell him everything! How long it took to cope without him, how I was nearly scared to death yet happy to hear he was coming back, How I was afraid of what he'd think about me still not being over him and the only name that seemed to come to mind was Dez. 

But I'm afraid he'd hate me. That we'd done for good, like I lied about the other night! But I can't because I've got myself in a mess full of lies and I regret each bit of it! 

"Dez." I start. "I wasn't cheating on you!" I say and turn to Austin. "Austin can you please cover your ears for a few minutes, while me and Dez talk?" I ask. 

"Can't I just wait over there?" He suggests. 

"I guess." I answer and he walks over somewhere else in the food court without another word. I turn back to Dez and finish what I was saying. "I wasn't cheating on you because we aren't even together, Remember? I just didn't want to admit I had such a hard time trying to get over Austin.." I explain.

"I know, but I need to stay in character!" He says innocently

"You could've just walked away! We were completely unaware of you in the room!" 

"Well, then jut tell Austin the truth!" 

"I can't! He'll hate me!" 

"Ally, he loves you! Nothing will change that! Just tell him!"  Dez says. And I have to believe it. He's Austin's best friend and he knows everything. Of course he'd know Austin's feelings for me!


Austin's POV

I asked Ally if I could wait somewhere else, near where they were talking, for a reason! She had something she was hiding and I needed to find out! Why is she keeping secrets from me anyways? We never do! 

As I sat against the wall of Mini's listening in on their conversation. I heard things I felt stupid that I didn't know! How could I not know she wasn't even into Dez! Let alone the fact they were fake! 

'Ally was never over me..' I thought. I was relieved to hear she still wanted me but I felt guilty. I can't believe I put her through all of that! Leavig her was painful enough but then hearing how much more painful it was for her made me feel worse! 

Dez knew I still had strong feelings for Ally. He was the one who first noticed.

Ally spots me and walks over. I was fully prepared for her confession. At least I think I am. Maybe after she tells me about the whol situation we can be happy together, Finally!  I'll be able to hug her and talk to her more freely and less awkwardly and, better yet, I'd be able to kiss whenever I wanted. 


A/N: You guys will Love the next chapter or 2! I just know you will! 

I actually wrote this chapter before I left on thursday night to go out to dinner and watch the fireworks with my family that came down from a different state! 

4th of July weekend was awesome! We went to the Caverns in VA (waking up at 6 AM for like a 3 hour drive wasn't exactly worth it though) Hershey Park and my cousins B-day was on Sunday so we all just hung out together and.. yeah! 

I was going to update on Monday,but I went back for one more night of staying with my grandparents and cousin last night and I didn;t have internet! 

So, sorry for the.. long-ish wait and the next chapter will be up very soon! 

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