Chapter 7: Friendship

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A/N: I messed up a little last chapter. I got one of the names wrong. 

Rydel-  Adele
Ross- Austin (We already knew that...)
Ellington/Ratliff-  Adam
Rocky- Ace
Riker- Aiden

Chapter 7: Friendship

When Ally was out of sight I stood up and made my way to Star Records. There were a few people that I wanted to ask to be in a band with me. Just a few close friends I've known the past year. 

They were going to help me with something too. I didn't know how, but they were going to change Ally's mind. I was thinking about writing her a song. It seemed to work the last time. 
But this song will have more meaning to it. I want to make it clear that I want to spend forever with her. 
I know I'm only 19- Soon 20- but there are so many plans I want to be able to do in aat least 5 years, maybe! I want to marry her and have kids. I just don't know how'd she feel about that. 

I walked into Star Records to talk to Jimmy. After waiting in the waiting room for about 20 minutes I was called back for my meeting. 
As I walked back I remembered last time I was here for a meeting. No matter how much Trish and I argued for me to stay with Ally, Jimmy wouldn't allow it. That was the worst day of my life.

But today was different. 
I entered the room and sat down on the chair in front of the desk. 

"You had an idea, Austin?" Jimmy says, spinning around his chair to see me. 

"Yes. I wanted to ask you if I could get a few people to be in a band with me?" 

Jimmy thinks for a few seconds. "Who are the people?" 

"Adele, Adam, Ace and Aiden. I wanna call us... A5!" I say doing an awesome hand gesture at 'A5' Jimmy contemplates on the idea. 

"I guess, we could try."  He finally agrees on the idea. "I just wanted to talk about one other thing with you." He says seriously. 

"About what?" 

"You broke up with Cameron." It didn't really sound like a question. But it was true. Cameron and I were over and no way am I going back to that. 


"Why is that?" 

I started panicking. I didn't want him to ruin what I had with Ally again. No. If he did that again there is plenty f other record deals out there. 

"Um... Ally and I are... getting pretty serious." I lie. In a way. Jimmy stares at me to see if I'm being serious so I tried to keep a serious expression. 

"Austin, I know Ally might have already told you this but-" 

"Yeah, yeah! Friendship! I get it. That's all Ally's been talking about... and you know what? IT'S YOUR FAULT!" I shouted and walked swiftly out of the room. 

Ally's POV
I'm glad Austin and I can go back to our normal way of friendship. I know it's not going to be easy but I know things will start up again. We can t least start with friendship even though I know for a fact we are still at the point where we want our relationship back. But hopefully that feeling will die down for a few weeks. Or months.

I started organizing the instruments. Trish walked in the store, in a new uniform again. I don't know what it was for though. 
She gave me a sad look. "I'm sorry about you and Austin." 

"Why?  We're fine." I ask giving her a confused looked. 

"Oh. You worked things out?" 

"Yeah."  Trish and I kept talking. I explained to her how I wanted to write Austin a song. I know I was all enthusiastic about being friends, but I think I should just give in already and be with him. And be happy. 

Suddenly the door opened,  and a pretty blonde with Hazel eyes steps in the store. She was hiding something behind her back. "Hi, Are you Ally?" She asked shyly. 

"Yeah." I answer and she walks over to me with a smile and holding out flowers and a card. She read my confused expression and cleared it up. 

"It's from Austin." She says, handing me the flowers. I looked at the card. 


Be at the Helen Show tomorrow night at 8. 

Love you (A lot!) 

Your's truly, Austin

I read the ticket attached. I had the very first seat in the row. What was he up to now? 


A/N: Sorry about the long wait. I had writers block. So sorry if this chapter sucks. 

I want to make this book long I just don't know if I can. I think the book will stop at 15 chapters and the epilogue. (Maybe even less.) 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

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