Chapter Thirteen

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I squeezed Arisone's hand tightly as she came to a halt in front of a house.

"You'll be fine. Cleopatra made them swear that if they turned you in or if they turned you away then she would have them executed. But don't worry, they are good people." Aisonë said reassuringly.

"If you say so" I mumbled.

It was pitch black now, Arisone got off the donkey and ran up and knocked on the door. The door opened and a woman appeared, her appearance was clouded by the darkness. There were whispers, then Arisone motioned to me to come over there. I jumped down from the mule and walked over to them.

"Ife, meet Emmis, Wife of Allaut, she will take care of you during your stay." Arisone whispered.

"It will be an honour to have you in our humble home, Lady of Isis" Emmis said bowing her head low.

"Thank you" I said nodding my head.

"I must go. There are only a few more hours before daybreak. Goodbye Ife" Arisone said quickly hugging me.

"Emmis, remember what you and Allaut agreed to." She said sternly.

"We will honor our promise, my princess." Emmis said softly.

Arisone nodded and ran back to the donkey. She mounted it and without a single glance back, she was off back to the palace.

"Welcome to our humble home" Emmis said grabbing my hand and taking me inside.

She closed the door and locked it and then turned to me.

"Allaut is at work, he should be here by morning." She said lighting the candles.

The light from the candle reflected off her face, she looked young, probably in her early thirties or late twenties. She had long black hair that was clasped in a tight bun, she was extremely thin and her arms looked frail.

"Now, let us eat" Emmis said leading me to the dining area.

She had the servants bring us a small meal and I ate it hungrily.

"I'm assuming that they didn't give you much food in the dungeon?" Emmis said laughing.

I shook my head no and told her my story. By the time I was finished, I saw a single shiny tear stream down her face.

"It must've been horrible" She said shuddering.

"And to top it all off you're pregnant with twins." She said shaking her head.

"May Ra protect us" She said.

"Indeed" I mumbled.

"Oh my goodness! I forgot! Let's get you cleaned up!" She said sharply.

I was led away by a gaggle of servants and they put me in a tub and washed me. It felt heavenly to get clean, when I stepped out of the tub of was grey with dirt. I blushed furiously,

"Don't be ashamed my lady, we have seen much worse" a maid said touching me lightly on the shoulder.

They dressed me in a simple garment, but even jewels could not increase the amount of relief I felt to finally wash the stench of the dungeon off of me.

The maids led me to my room. It was simple, but I cared not. Emmis was sitting on my bed, once she saw that I had entered she quickly stood up and hugged me. I smelt cinnamon drifting towards me from her body.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"Anything for a lady of Isis." She whispered back.

She looked up and smiled back at me. She bid me goodnight and I got in the bed. Before I drifted off, I put a hand on my stomach and felt two tiny kicks, I smiled in the darkness. Everything was at peace, but that happiness was short lived.

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