Chapter Seventeen

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I scrunched my eyes tightly as a light seeped into them, unsuccessfully trying to block the light out.

"Get up" a gruff voice said.

"What?" I said groggily, I was still asleep mentally.

"I said get up!" The gruff voice said again, much louder.

"N-no" I said grabbing the dagger that I kept in the folds of my dress and thrusting it blindly in the air.

"Stupid whore" the voice said again, a calloused hand grabbed my hand that I held the dagger with and twisted it.

I shrieked in pain and dropped the dagger and I clutched my wounded hand with my other hand.

"Get up" The voice said sternly.

I had no choice but to oblige, I slowly sat up and got out of bed. I saw that there was another man in the room. The man put the end of the dagger and pushed it lightly on my back.

"Walk, you'll find a donkey in the courtyard with a woman on it, get on it" He said again.

I nodded and ran out of the room, when I walked to the courtyard I saw Emmis's and Alla's lifeless bodies, they had blood all over their bodies and with their heads cut off. Tears filled my eyes and I ran towards the donkey, I climbed up and sobbed into the woman's back.

She set off,

"P-p-please, don't kill me" I sobbed.

"I'm not. I'm saving you. My mistress heard about you and is very sympathetic towards you and your cause. You won't believe how easy it is to trick men." She said softly.

"I'm Cliao." She added.

"I'm guessing you already know who I am" I mumbled.

She nodded.

"Where are you taking me?" I mumbled.

"I'm taking you to my mistress's house." She said.

"You're a slave?" I questioned.

She nodded, "I got off a week, my mistress is a loyal supporter of the crown and wanted to get you safe so that's why I'm bringing you there" She said.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Selene" She answered.

After a few hours of non-stop riding, we finally pulled up to a white stone building. It had columns, just like the Greeks had. She pulled me off the donkey and ran inside with me following her. She ushered me inside the dining area where a young woman was standing, fully dressed in purple.

"You must be Ife" Selene said walking briskly towards me and taking my hands in hers.

"Yes" I said.

"I will keep you safe, and that is a promise. It was very foolish of Princess Cleopatra to put you in a commoners house where not a soul was there to protect you." She said.

I had a urge to defend Emmis and Alla, but I bit my tongue. I didn't want to make any enemies, they would turn me in at a moment's notice. Instead, I nodded.

"Now, it is very late. Cliao will take you to your room." Selene said dismissing me with a wave of the hand.

Cliao nodded and took my hand gently, she walked me to my room and left me alone for the night.

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